Thread: Level: None
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Unread 11-26-2010, 10:08 PM
lordebon lordebon is offline
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Originally Posted by Draven_Caine View Post
Ok, i have it working kinda. None doesnt appear the first time a target something, but any other time it does. SO if i reload my ui and clik a node forsay, than no lvl number appears. If i target it a second time none reappears ... sigh ... so close

Any idea why it would ignore the "OnTextChanged" the 2nd, 3rd, ect times?

Is it showing Level None again only after targeting another thing with no level, or even after targeting something with a level and then going back to something with none?

My guess would be that if it's happening when you're targeting successive things with level none then the OnTextChanged isn't firing because the window is just being hidden and shown -- I've never tested that trigger in that window, but it makes some sense since the text isn't changing even though the window may be hiding or other text (like the name) may be changing.

In that case, I'd try moving the script to a different handler (being sure to update the paths accordingly), something like the OnShow for the window itself maybe.
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