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Unread 10-05-2010, 01:33 AM
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EQAditu EQAditu is offline
A Griffon
Interface Author - Click to view interfaces
Join Date: Mar 2005
Server: Permafrost
Posts: 256

I was thinking about this a bit before...

The main problem is that you want to do several things to a player, but you don't want to click these tiny buttons in order to accomplish it. We don't have the ability to see different types of clicks or modifier keys when something is clicked, so all we have is a left-click. But as I said, we want to do several things to a player. So the idea popped into my head of a system of pseudo modifier keys that take direct action upon the UI mod.

For simplicity's sake, let's say we wanted to heal and cure a player. (we don't care what heal or cure atm) If the entire player area is one button, it would seem we're already out of luck as we cannot listen for a different click or modifier. But we can directly change the behavior of a UI script through the keyboard. Just create a page within the UI mod that has a script attached to OnShow. A hotbar macro assigned to an arbitrary keyboard key that executes the command, /show_window MainHUD.Raid.SwitchToCure. Normally clicking the player would heal them, but if you were to press this macro, the normal click would become a cure. This spell swap would then be undone after the click or OnHoverOut, etc.

This would more or less give the appearance of a modifier key changing what a left-click does to a player. You could set up hotbar macros and switching script pages for as many things as you want using any keyboard key you can assign to a hotbar(no ctrl/alt/shift unfortunately). You only need to press(or hold) the correct modifier key before clicking the player. No need to find a small button on the player area any longer.

Alternately, you could have the mouse be a hover pointer and the hotbar macros direct the script to cast the different spells on what ever player the mouse was last hovered over. No need for mouse clicking at all.

Last edited by EQAditu : 10-05-2010 at 01:36 AM.
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