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Unread 09-01-2010, 11:54 PM
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Jamesc146 Jamesc146 is offline
A Griffon
Join Date: Nov 2008
Server: Butcherblock
Posts: 101

Originally Posted by Ravenlook
looks like there is more changes in this file, it's used to be that u can chose what stat will apear on the upper panel, basicly u can either show the 1 with run speed or the 1 with XP progress and then when u hovered over it, it showed the other 1, now it shows the xp progress and u can't set it tho show the other 1, would like the fixed since i used to have the 1 with run speed showen and the xp progress visble on mouse hover, hope u can get it done

P.S. tnx 4 all the hard work 4 keep this UI up to date

Yes, thank you for all the hard work!

I, too, however, want to see the Run Speed and Health/Power regen instead of the xp / tradeskill etc.

I would like to add my +1 to this request just switch the one that is viewable all the time and the hover over bar so that normal shows run speed etc. and hover over shows XP stats
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