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Unread 08-12-2010, 01:32 PM
jnewton jnewton is offline
A Sea Turtle
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 30

I've been exploring the new interface on the test server. Today I decide to copy my ProfitUI stuff over to my test account. The only two items that did not work properly where the maintained spells and the persona/character window. The plug-ugly experience bar was gone and the standard ProfitUI one was up.

Also, all the bags and hot bars had their square corners back, but the grab handles were gone. Not a big loss as far as I'm concerned.

A quick fix for the maintained spells and persona windows was to delete the corresponding files in the profitUI folder and the default ones popped up.

OH, for those who don't care for the new red color, with Profit, the older blue one was used.

So, depending on what SOE does with the new interface between now and release of GU57, it looks like you can still use pretty much all of Profit.

Hope this helps some.
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