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Unread 04-05-2010, 12:09 AM
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foozlesprite foozlesprite is offline
A Crazed Gnoll
Join Date: Nov 2007
Server: Everfrost
Posts: 23

Small issues I've found recently: the share button on the completed quests window often seems to overlap with the area to make it repeatable only quests, and as a result half the time when I try to share it just toggles repeatable quests.

A lot of player written books use special formatting for borders, and using the DrumsUI font for those books messes up the visuals. Would it be possible to use the default font/window for player written books without affecting anything else?

Also, thanks for the smaller raid window and adding the player window to the group window. Conserves screen real estate and I haven't had any issues with seeing people's HP on my healers or their power on my raid chanter
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