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Unread 03-02-2010, 03:06 PM
battosa battosa is offline
A Berserk Golem
Join Date: Mar 2008
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 58

i'm in a raid right know i will try it as soon as i can , thanks for all your help, advice and for pointing my mistake

so the IsScript="true" launch the script without any button if i understand correctly

is there a limitation for using it or can it work with any kind of scripting ?

in this line
<Data Name="TP001" text="-------------------Spell-------------------" IsScript="true" />

you code the IsScript on true but on this one , it's on false
<Data Name="TP006" text="----------------Item--------------------" IsScript="false" />

is there a reason ? i would like to understand how it work

Edit i saw the button line after re-reading the code

<Button Location="1,1" Name="TpButton" OnActivate="" OnPress="Activated=Parent.Tp_Dropdownbox.SelectedItem.IsScript OnActivate=Parent.Tp_Dropdownbox.SelectedItem.Script" ScrollExtent="19,19" Size="19,19" Style="/CommonElements.SmallPushButton" />

is it normal to leave this OnActivate empty ?

Last edited by battosa : 03-02-2010 at 03:31 PM. Reason: reread the code more carefully :p
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