Thread: hex editing
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Unread 12-28-2009, 10:06 PM
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doubl-a_ron doubl-a_ron is offline
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Default This link should give you an idea on how to use the editor:

Originally Posted by Sanorah View Post
I downloaded the Hex program but can't figure out how to do anything. Everyone on here says they do it, but no one is saying HOW.... give us some very base instructions pelase... i just want to change fur color on rat or Kerra.

Read this:

Let me explain:
1 save you'r toons appearance (I would as a light color)
2 load that appearance and change the hair color and only the hair color to a dark color and save it.
3 now that you have 2 .ccf view them both in HxD and look for the code diferance, that will be the code that needs to be replaced with the code of a color of you chosing.
4 to get colors like pink or blue, you need to make a toon that has the colors like fay, they can have pink and blue head hair, using the steps 1-3 find the code that represents the colors.
5 copy the code of the color you want to use and past it in the place of code thats color you want to change, save it and load that .ccf to test.

Note: not all colors work for all races its trial and error and even more pissy is some time you can make a race color change in the character screen but the server will not let you play it. Good luck

Last edited by doubl-a_ron : 12-28-2009 at 10:31 PM. Reason: Let me explain:
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