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Unread 12-28-2009, 05:47 PM
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doubl-a_ron doubl-a_ron is offline
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Originally Posted by lordebon View Post
I highly doubt the # of accounts changes the amount needed to level. That was true in the very old days, when you had the patronage system (where the amount of personal status that went to guild status changed with # of patrons) but patronage was removed and the conversion fixed to 10% for a long, long time.

What evidence have you seen that shows that # of accounts influences the amount required to level? The only way I can think to determine that would be to have two guilds at the same level with different # of accounts and then observe the raw status needed to level them.
Well now that you say that, I my self have no evidence that the ammount of accounts change the status need to guild level, I was told so, also a close friend said it took more status to level than my spread sheet listed, we just figured it cause the hight # of accounts. It was just a eror in my list.

Hopefully I am not the only player who wants this, I hope this thread gets popular, and some players can contribute data, if so could the calculator than become a real thing?
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