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Unread 11-26-2008, 11:02 AM
reins reins is offline
A Dervish Cutthroat
Join Date: Jan 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 35

Originally Posted by gm9 View Post
No, actually I tested this and it is something else. This event fires if you click on a [link] (item link, command link, etc.).

Getting an event when a new line is added can probably be done, but I know of no way of extracting text from the chat window.
Can you tell which tab its from? Because if so then you don't need to be able to tell what the chat is saying.

Basically you'd have a tab that only contains your outgoing damage, and when that tab recieves text you'd issue a /dofilecommand autoattack.txt
Then you'd have a tab that only contains the chat for a custom channel. Say /join gm9attack
Then you grab the channel number, and put that in a custom ACT plugin. When ACT detects an auto attack, it will put the following in a file called autoattack.txt.
/<channel number> Attack

So when the tab containing your custom channel recieves text you then manipulate the autoattack bar.

The act plugin will just clear the file contents when a non autoattack value is recieved.