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Unread 08-04-2008, 01:45 PM
Urchin42 Urchin42 is offline
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Apr 2006
Server: Mistmoore
Posts: 6

For me I think the problem had to do with custom voice chat channels. I only had one saved, but when I looked in the voice chat menu, that one custom channel had multiple duplicates. I was getting those voice chat spam messages in chat too, and I guess it was for each duplicate custom channel.

You can only leave the channel if you're in it though, and the game doesn't recognize you as being in any of those duplicate channels. You'll get some message saying you're currently not in that channel or something to that effect.

My back-up profile only had a few voice channel duplicates. So, I left all the channels I was currently in (chat and voice -- they can both get duplicated) and loaded up the back-up. Then I'd logout, rename that profile of the character I was just using to like backup2 or something, then log back in and repeat the process until all duplicate channels were removed.

If you're having the same problem as me, it would probably be best to delete all your profiles and start anew. I don't know if you want to do the above mentioned process 100-200 times.
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