Thread: Noooooo!!!
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Unread 12-10-2007, 06:03 AM
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Sacraed Sacraed is offline
A Berserk Golem
Join Date: Jul 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 56
Default Noooooo!!!

Hear that? No it's not the sound of an ultralite crash landing in your backyard. It's the sizzling, snapping and crackling of my last good nerve like it's a fallen power line that landed on a moose and stuck itself up the moose's butt and the line is slamming the moose on the ground with extreme prejudice over and over again. I AM the moose.

That finally vented... are you okay? With all the bad weather going around lately I've been concerned that either you or your server might have suffered at the hands of Mother Nature. Sadly, your fans have no way of knowing that and so we just keep writing with complaints and 'how do I fix this?' messages. I too have also posted to the site. Notice the above description of my last good nerve? Just so that others know that might read this, I'm fried cuz I can't get POI to work in ThorUI and I've done a little deleting without backing up. Just shoot me, okay?

Anyway, I just want to express my concern for you and your wife and hope that all is well. We'll still be here when you get back because we are, after all, loyal fan.

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