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Unread 05-13-2007, 11:32 PM
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Megera Megera is offline
A Forest Scavenger
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 17

yes, but that seems to open the browser up. v_v which always hangs my computer.

that did not make the fix - i will dig around and see if i can figure out what it is not reading properly and let you know what fixes it if anything.

<edited the next morning>I got it all working by using an old fashioned fix from my ancient /dos days. I copied the info into where it was supposed to go. no workie. I copied it to where it was not supposed to go - ie, in the body of the directory instead of its own neat little files, making the thor UI directory also the infocenter ui directory. put in the lines you mentioned - and now it works. ^_______^ so i have both of them and i am very happy. I'll tweak it some day and figure out exactly why it works but for now, i'm happy.

Last edited by Megera : 05-14-2007 at 12:54 PM.
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