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Unread 03-07-2007, 05:50 PM
Rashaka1 Rashaka1 is offline
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Dec 2006
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 3
Default Other Possible Changes?

Was just wondering, I read through the majority of these requests to see if this had been brought up before, but nothing from what I saw....

Any chance of an autoupdater for the UI?

I've also seen other UI mods that have a button for the ingame browser now, as well as a URL history/bookmarks. I'm sure these are things you are looking into though, since the patch is very new. =-)

Would it be possible to have a custom option set for the raiding video options? Currently there are 4 options, quality, performance, raiding and something else... Currently I turn off PC names for my own personal sanity, but the "quality" setting is what I use to do raids in and when the raids are over, I have to go in and manually turn up all the settings again, and it takes me forever to do it, because I never can remember exactly what all is turned off or turned down by clicking quality. It would be nice to have a 5th button that is user customizable? Or maybe a way to just easily edit a file that determins what those settings actually set to?

-Rashaka Swifttail, Mistmoore Server