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Unread 03-01-2007, 03:05 PM
Cybernetix Cybernetix is offline
A Brown Bear
Join Date: Jul 2006
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 14


me again ^^.

I think all I said is wrong, because it even keeps crashing if I don't align the bags vertically.

This time I let the bags be were they are and moved just the other windows, well it crashed again.

So here is my conclusion:

Under above aspect and the problem that the "Pick your UI" window doesn't show up on new chars, there is a problem in saving the UI.

So if you have already a nice an clean UI let it be, after SOE had fixed this really annoying bug.

You can load the default Profit UI setting without problems, but don't dare to change something it will corrupt your Settings file and you will have a lot of fun ^^.

The reason why so much people don't have problems is mostly because they have their UI already before LU 32 and didn't change anything.

For me changing anything after loading the Profit UI default settings will cause corruption of my ui file and I will ctd the next time I log in with this char.

I thought SOE has patched a problem relating Profit UI, I think they have coded a new problem which is much worse.

I think we have to wait until the Problem is found, or SOE HOT fixes it, or someone has found some workaround.

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