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Unread 12-03-2006, 03:31 PM
lordebon lordebon is offline
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Originally Posted by Zonx
Note its my understanding this icon indicates a mob is agro to you, not that you're actually in combat.
I believe the true meaning of it is based on a "hate list" concept.

It basically means that you are on a mob's hate list. You can be on a hate list w/o being 'in combat' such as when you run by an aggro mob, it sees you, and runs after you. You are on it's hate list, so the icon shows, but you're not locked in combat until you attack it back in some way. Also note that if you break encounter, the icon still stays even though you recieve the benefits of out-of-combat power and health regen (but you'll get no loot or anything).

The icon will still stay "on" then so long as a mob still 'hates' you.

When you are no longer on a mob's hate list, the icon should go away. You don't have to be the target of it's hate (IE, the one it's attacking) you just have to be somewhere on it's list: it has to know about you and want to kill you, even if it's not 'actively' persuing that.