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Unread 10-14-2004, 08:25 PM
Banalan Banalan is offline
A Forest Scavenger
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 15

Well as a layman to computer graphics, in other words just a simple old user, I was excited by all the talk about EQ2's customizable character avatars. I beta tested SWG and played it for a year, I guess I was spoiled rotten to character creation programs after that lol. EQ 2 is great, don't get me wrong! Compare it to DAOC or EQ Live and there is no comparison, now compare it to SWG where you could be fat or thin, tall or short and there was absolutley no way to run into anyone in the game who even looked similar to you, it does seem to fall short a bit. But from what I keep reading in the beta journals is that you can't really get a notion of how great the characters are in EQ2 until you see them in game, moving, interacting with the environment and things like that. So I guess I will reserve my final comparison of the two until I see the models in use.
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