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Unread 06-04-2006, 05:58 PM
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Dae'lomdel Dae'lomdel is offline
A Fallen Diplomat
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Posts: 53

Honestly, if you want a good UI that is very easy to change the "look" of I would go with Fetish. I have not looked into it myesl but I know Zonx set his UI up in a way that changing the colors themselves is supposedly very simple.

As far as a custom UI thats only going to be used by you.... well I know the insane ammount of time guys like Zonx and the other UI developers put into their projects and unless you were going to pay someone everytime SoE pushed out an LU... well it eventually going to get out of date. Your best bet is to find a group of people that want the same UI that you want and then work together to keep it updated. Community (open source) projects have always and will continue to be the best way to develope "software", unless of couse your Bill Gates with 100's of Billions of dollars then you can just pay people
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