Thread: GUI Builder
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Unread 12-09-2004, 11:37 AM
NetSapiens NetSapiens is offline
A Darkpaw Brute
Join Date: Nov 2004
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 42

1: there's almost always some form of documentation accompanying an executable (hint: look for a word document called EQ2_UI_Customization.doc)

2: read the above mentioned file... really READ it....

3: there are stickied posts in most forums I know of.. the reason is normally that the creators and/or moderators wish for people to pay specific attention to these posts. They may contain information pertaining to your problem

4: The search function is an well-rounded feature, which allows you to find most everything you need. If you can't find what you're looking for, allow me to suggest that you browse through the first page of topics in each forum... chances are other information that is nice to know, will also be revealed to you.

I am not (really) trying to sound like an elitist jerk... but I'm having a hard day, and a hard time understanding how you can ask these questions with the abundance of information pertaining to exactly those questions you pose.

Besides that... in a very real sense, I have now given you "...any help", which, if you were truly unaware of the powerful information gathering tools before you, is in fact the best help you'll ever get. Happy modding
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