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Unread 11-09-2005, 08:41 PM
SOE_Bobble SOE_Bobble is offline
EQII Developer
Yes this person is from Daybreak!
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 82
Default UI Version

The map still functions, merely a cosmetic error.

Let's just say that every single pixel out of place in the user interface gets reported to me. And sometimes the report comes in the form of a producer walking into my office. Those get my immediate attention.

The new look would have triggered a minor version change described below (or perhaps just a revision). Either wasy would have been easier to determine the issue.

I was going to attach a new layout for the eq2map map.xml today. But since I can't vouch for how recently I've patched eq2map I thought you might just want to compare against the new eq2ui_mainhud_map.xml. I hope to actually have a chance to play again this weekend (instead of just coding and testing) and so if someone hasn't updated the look by then, I volunteer. The last few weeks have been busy.

Dolby, sometimes the go/no-go call for a feature comes really late. As you might imagine since the changes didn't make the test server and touched nearly every xml file, the decision to go with the new look came fairly late in the live update cycle. We wanted to make sure we got it right this time.

That said, I would like to make sure we give better notice when we are changing things and do a better job of not breaking existing skins. Suggestions are welcome.

Partially on topic: A few of our windows have a version property set. We'll soon be making sure all the windows check against their versions and the versions get updated when we make changes. (LU 17?) Hopefully this will help interface authors.

Potential implementation (comments welcome):

version property = <major>.<minor>.<rev>

Major version changed-- example ClaimWindow: version=2.0.0. oldversion=1.<n>.<r> Will not display window. Popup error. Similar to the current implementation that we forgot to use on the claim window.

Minor version changed-- example InventoryWindow: version=1.2.0 oldversion=1.1.<r>. Will display window and popup warning. You can still use the old slots but some functionality is missing. Potentially only one popup per interface load to prevent spam impacting people not wishing to upgrade yet.

Rev changed-- example MapWindow: version=1.0.2. oldversion=1.0.1. Window will display.

And a "/window_version <Module>.<Name>" command that will return the current and expected versions.
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