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Unread 07-13-2005, 05:07 PM
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Faetyl Faetyl is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
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Originally Posted by teziki
Great mod Faetyl, just started using it some time ago.....3.5 I think, but I have a question. I want to go to the new version but am afraid I will loose my personal changes i i removed some of the hot button things along the side and repositioned some of the elements. Will I loose those If I run your installer? Or will it keep my settings and give me just the updated files you made? One other thing, In the process, the chat window was lost with all of the tabs (now its just the standard chat windows)and would like to know how to get it back in the format you had wihtout redoing everything, but typically run with 2 chat windows open to easily see stuff I need at the same time.

thanks in advance for your help, again, GREAT mod
Hi Teziki,
I'm very happy to hear you like the mod!
I setup the UI to not affect window placement files at all.
Therefore, if you run the uninstaller and then install the latest version you won't lose your hard work of setting up your window placements and chat preferences.
As for setting up your chat tabs...
Basically just right click the chat area and choose "New Chat Tab" you will then select that tab by clicking on it the right click again but this time choose "Chat Options". You will then select what options you want from there...
It's a pain getting it all setup but the good news is my mod won't effect it at all so your safe from now on. (I would make a backup just in case though...)
Thor/Faetyl of the Unrest Server
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