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Unread 04-09-2005, 01:17 AM
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Deathbane27 Deathbane27 is offline
aka Mook
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Originally Posted by hirebrand

OnPress="Emoter.Bool.Visible=(A)>(B)" }

OnHide="cry" }

is the equivalent of

IF GameData.Self.Power > 50
THEN laugh
ELSE cry


You can't set a property to DynamicData. Here's how you'd do that:

<Progressbar Name="Power" DynamicData="/Gamedata.Self.Power"...
<Button OnPress="Parent.Trigger.Activated=(Parent.Power.Progress)>0.500"...
<Button name="Trigger" OnActivate="laugh" OnDeActivate="cry"...

Of course you'd actually have to have TWO triggers, one for activate, one for deactivate, because the OnActivate doesn't trigger if it's already activated, etc. But that's relatively minor.

More brainstorming:

Had someone request for a on-screen visual or sound when you are under attack. Best I could do was make it so when anything near you was attacked it brought up a window.

Now we can have that window check to see if your health is less than 100%, and if it is, make trigger some flashing and noise.
If it ain't broke, it needs more features!
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