Thread: Fetish v12 Bugs
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Unread 01-12-2013, 06:52 PM
lordebon lordebon is offline
Fetish Core author
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I'm not sure why the group window is moving around for you then. If you'd like, I can upload a version without the movement scripting so you can see if that will work better. I don't use SOEmote pretty much at all, but in my limited testing of toggling the show/hide portraits it moves normally using the scripts. The only thing I can think of is perhaps something else is triggering the onshow/onhide scripting on the portrait page and thus triggering the script when it shouldn't be.

As for the bars, I'll take a look. I don't see why renaming it to and removing/renaming the Fetish default one wouldn't work, is that what you tried or was there some other way you were trying to swap them out?
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