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Unread 05-09-2012, 09:56 AM
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Daeanor Daeanor is offline
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Default Is Fetish on its way out?

The lack of updates from those maintaining this UI has me concerned. There were only a few twiddly changes with GU63, but some utterly broke some features (Dungeon Maker, for example, no "Play as Avatar" button in Fetish). But there was no patch, nor word of one coming. Kadesarevok was good enough to post the Wikia browser changes needed, and I can post fixes to the login screen (the messed up "Skyshrine" logo annoys the heck out of me) and Dungeon Maker window, as soon as I've made sure they don't have issues. But the Marketplace window still needs some help too (and my efforts so far have not borne fruit ... I'm just not familiar enough with the tools and the UI code yet).

Bottom line: is anyone picking up the ball, or is it time to move to another UI?

I've been using Fetish for so long, I don't even remember what the default UI looks like. I'd hate to change now. But neither do I have the time or inclination to get up to speed on the changes as they come so I can fix them, even just for myself ... let alone for everyone else, and all the nightmares that come from that kind of support. But I'd like to know, one way or another, whether there will be any more updates.
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