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-   -   XP percentages rounding incorrectly (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6303)

danedori 06-16-2006 03:07 AM

XP percentages rounding incorrectly
Forgive me if this is old news, I've been away for a while and just came back after LU24.

The dynamic data that shows the XP percentage corresponding to the yellow bar is rounding to the nearest whole number now instead of truncating like it used to. This isn't a problem when looked at by itself, but when you combine it with the XP % from the blue bar, it causes a problem. For instance, if you are currently at 79.8% XP, the yellow % will round to 80 and the blue % will show 98. When you put these together by showing the yellow %, a period and then the second digit of the blue %, you get 80.8%, which is incorrect. If the yellow is truncated, then it will read 79.8% like it should.

Has anyone else noticed this and if so, is there a way to fix the problem?


Pyroman 06-16-2006 05:31 AM

This is a problem with all exp mods, even the default ones. Seems the LU broke how the dynamic data that is being sent to clients. Although the blue and orange bars still show the correct amount.

gm9 06-17-2006 09:50 AM

(removed due to incorrect information)

danedori 06-17-2006 01:21 PM

I downloaded ProfitUI and checked it out, and it's not displaying to 2 digits accurately. Here is what's going on:

The ExperienceCurrent shows the percentage of the yellow bar that is full. It gives a 2 digit number which displays the ones and tens digit of your current xp.

The ExperienceBubble shows the percentage of the blue bar that is full. It gives a 2 digit number that is the tenths and ones digit of your current xp.

Before, it was obvious that ExperienceBubble wasn't giving the tenths and hundredths because the first digit of ExperienceBubble always matched the last digit of ExperienceCurrent. Now, however, because of the way it's rounding ExperienceCurrent to the nearest whole number, they won't always match. If ExperienceCurrent gets rounded up, the ones digit in your xp display will be one higher than the tenths digit. If you log into the game and check, you will find that in the xp display, if it ends in 0 through 4, the two middle numbers will match and if it ends in 5 through 9, the ones digit will be one higher than the tenths digit.

And in the case where ExperienceCurrent gets rounded up, it's showing 1% more xp than you actually have.


gm9 06-17-2006 01:43 PM

Yeah, I'm an idiot, thanks for setting me straight danedori. Zonx and Milquetowst already made me see the light. I was mislead by the fact that SOE is apparently currently rounding expCurrent and not rounding expBubble.

Sorry for the confusion. :o

anfrey 07-16-2006 06:11 PM

anyone know if anything is getting fixed?

Pyroman 07-24-2006 03:18 PM

Been wondering that myself. Seems there's no movement on this subject. Really wish it was fixed or at least improved in some capacity.

Zonx 07-26-2006 12:31 AM

FWIW I reported this bug directly to SOE devs shortly after LU24. No clue if/when it'll be fixed.

Pyroman 07-27-2006 11:12 AM

Feel kind of bad about it but started harassing GM's about this issue hehe. Well all I did was submit a CS ticket on it. Eventually they said they knew there was a visual glitch and that I should keep an eye on the latest update notes.

gm9 07-27-2006 02:12 PM

Interesting, I hope those GM's knew what they were talking about.

Pyroman 08-09-2006 08:19 PM

Alright, I'm really disappointed now. I figured after reporting this multiple times, several topics on here and official forums, contacting and corresponding with guides in-game for several days, that something, even some sort of official word on this, would come to pass. Still this exp bug persists and I can only imagine how EASY it could be to fix yet no one is doing it. So either there is a intentional reason that the exp is doing this, or someone has seriously dropped the ball on this and is not doing their job at SoE. I can't help but think if something so small could be overlooked for over a month and through TWO LU's, what implications this could mean for bigger things.

Experience is still being rounded up, and there is still no way to display it correctly.

anfrey 08-09-2006 08:26 PM

i hear u on that neiloch... GU26 and no fix...

Drumstix42 08-09-2006 08:39 PM

Honestly, as a game maker, I would think such minor cosmetic issues as this are put way at the bottom of the list of "things to do/fix". I'm sure it be fixed soon enough. It's not like it causes any problems, ya know?

Pyroman 08-09-2006 09:00 PM

But the thing is, its significance is in line with how hard it would be to fix. Not like its purely cosmetic but would need to have several people working on it to fix it. Would probably take one person no more than 45 minutes to fix. Considering it rounded exp when the game first came out and they changed it to the way the people are used to now, it would be even easier than most small problems since they basically have already done it before.

Also, I've yet to get some sort of official response on it even though I've made several attempts to bring it to their attention. I can't even get a "we are aware of it" out of anyone except for the 1 guide I've talked to in game.

On top of that, I've had to talk several people down from thinking they were actually losing exp, demanding that they get exp back from it, and were afraid to tradeskill because they thought it wouldn't give them all the exp they should be getting. Starting to think I should have let them go angry tirade about it even though it wasn't true, might have actually gotten a response.

Laffs 08-09-2006 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Drumstix42
Honestly, as a game maker, I would think such minor cosmetic issues as this are put way at the bottom of the list of "things to do/fix". I'm sure it be fixed soon enough. It's not like it causes any problems, ya know?

Well "As an old school game programer myself" ... I know where you coming from like m8 .. But the thing is kinnda like this... I was on 99.6% tonight and we finished the instance and it was bedtime for the rest of the guys/gals ... so I figure Hey no big deal I will head down to Mar and kill some guards thinking 2 maybe will do the trick and get my ding!! ... Erm NO! Think again like 8 guards later and no ding.... Eventualy I got it .. WOOOT .. lvl 57

So its not just cosmetic my friend its a bloody counter!! and whats the use of a counter that dont sodding count properly heh ? ... Way I seen 1 mob then ding 2 max .... I could have been in bed if I had of known it was like properly FUBAR

Point being it is an important part of the game.. You can work out what mobs to kill for the best exp / time it takes to do so... with me? ......

Cosmetic = NO


Pyroman 08-09-2006 09:40 PM

Laffs brings up another point, it basically lies to you about how much exp you have or are getting. Think about it, a lot of people use the default UI, so they don't get a tenth percentage, only way they can look at a percent is when they hover over their exp bar and see the tool tip. The only way they could tell that they don't actually have as much exp as the tooltip says is if they caught it above .4, looked at the tooltip and then manually counted their bubbles in the exp bar.

I'm not saying they did that part on purpose, unless their really dumb and didn't think people would count the bubbles to confirm it. But you have to admit, this is causing a lot more problems than most issues that are considered "cosmetic" or minor. At the very least, its not purely cosmetic when you think about how its effecting players.

koiecks 08-10-2006 01:53 AM

What I have experienced is the the xp is 10% total off from what it is actually showing. IE. if you are at 100% you still need 10% to level.

Laffs 08-10-2006 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by koiecks
What I have experienced is the the xp is 10% total off from what it is actually showing. IE. if you are at 100% you still need 10% to level.

Yes and peeps using the default exp bars are wondering why at times they got 100% and still no ding as well.... So yeh it affects it all not just custom exp mods

Pyroman 08-11-2006 12:58 PM

I've been trying to kick up dust at the UI discussion part of the official forums here but it doesn't seem to be getting much attention. Was at least hoping for some kind of red name response. I might have to start one somewhere else.

anfrey 08-11-2006 02:29 PM

aye i'm the fella that started that thread... and seems like ppl in the eq2forums aren't noticing it much

Landiin 08-11-2006 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Pyroman
I've been trying to kick up dust at the UI discussion part of the official forums here but it doesn't seem to be getting much attention. Was at least hoping for some kind of red name response. I might have to start one somewhere else.

I'd say you have a betting chance of gettign hit by lighting then getting a Dev to respaned on that forum.

Pyroman 09-02-2006 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Landiin
I'd say you have a betting chance of gettign hit by lighting then getting a Dev to respaned on that forum.

Actually that's what I thought, posts about it anywhere else just got it moved though. I know it was probably just a mod, still kind of bugs me they only paid enough attention to move it and that's all.

Apparently making posts, having threads some 2 pages long on forums just isn't going to work. I don't know what other avenues to pursue and I don't want to harass any red-names with PM's.

anfrey 09-02-2006 07:59 PM

i'd say we may have a chance at the next Dev House of Commons chat... but part of me just knows that our question will never make it past the moderation line.

Pyroman 09-09-2006 06:19 PM

Gonna keep an eye out for the next one. Even though it might not make it past the mods I'm going to try anyway.

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