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Elmseeker 10-07-2005 10:43 PM

eXtreme Quicklog
This is the place to post any bug reports, feature requests, comments, etc about my eXtreme Quicklog Addon for eXtremeUI.

Bodhi 10-08-2005 03:05 AM

As a couple of other people noted on the download forum, I tried installing this, I unzipped the files into my eXtreme ui file (a couple it asked me if I wanted to replace, I said yes) edited the mainhud_quickswitch with all my characters names/servers, but it's not working :confused: Any idea what I may have done wrong?

sammeria 10-08-2005 08:44 AM

As of 1.1b the button still doesn't show up. :/

Elmseeker 10-08-2005 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by sammeria
As of 1.1b the button still doesn't show up. :/

Eeeep...you're right! Sorry about that fixed it now, zipped, unzipped to a new directory and tested, was my fault I admit it, I forgot to include one of the needed files. :( 1.1c should fix it.

scygnus 10-08-2005 11:09 AM

Where did it go George?
Now I can't even find the patch in the Extreme patch lists =(

Where do I go to download the C patch? or are you working on uploading it now?


Elmseeker 10-08-2005 11:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by scygnus
Now I can't even find the patch in the Extreme patch lists =(

Where do I go to download the C patch? or are you working on uploading it now?


Yeah, I've uploaded it already, just waiting for them to approve it now. Takes awhile sometimes as they can get quite busy, but here is the missing file.

it goes into your extreme\custom windows\buttonpage directory

Raesoth 10-09-2005 08:42 PM

I think I did everything right .. got the latest fix and put everything where they should be but I must be missing something.

Right now I have Switch instead of Notes but its greyed out but Info is now lit up and is actually the Switch button ... What did do wrong??

Elmseeker 10-10-2005 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Raesoth
I think I did everything right .. got the latest fix and put everything where they should be but I must be missing something.

Right now I have Switch instead of Notes but its greyed out but Info is now lit up and is actually the Switch button ... What did do wrong??

Hmm...I dunno, I'll ave to take a look at it today.

Bodhi 10-10-2005 05:53 AM

Downloaded 1.1c today, moved the files into the extreme ui, but still have only notes and info button, which are both greyed out.
I know you're working hard to improve this,and I notice that others are at least getting a switch button... can you think of what I may be doing wrong?

Raesoth 10-10-2005 12:59 PM

It was the same thing for me and I had to make sure the add the <include>eq2ui_mainhud_quicklog.xml</include> into the eq_mainhud.xml file then it came up with the problem I have above where the 2 buttons are somehow reversed but it works :)

now only if sony could fix the health bars from going greenscale on quick switches :p

Melena 10-10-2005 03:46 PM

Quote from Bodhi - "Downloaded 1.1c today, moved the files into the extreme ui, but still have only notes and info button, which are both greyed out.
I know you're working hard to improve this,and I notice that others are at least getting a switch button... can you think of what I may be doing wrong?"

Quote from Raesoth - "It was the same thing for me and I had to make sure the add the <include>eq2ui_mainhud_quicklog.xml</include> into the eq_mainhud.xml file then it came up with the problem I have above where the 2 buttons are somehow reversed but it works."

What ever you are doing or not doing Bodhi, I am having the same problem amd also checked as Raesoth said.. the include is already within the eq_mainhud.xml file. Any advice Elmseeker? Currently using and added in this order, newest eXtremeUI, Hotfix for the new UI, and then QuickSwitch. Thank you.

Cairbre 10-10-2005 04:50 PM

Don't put the file "eq2ui_buttonpage.xml" in the eXtreme-Folder. Put it in "eXtreme\CustomWindows\ButtonPage", works just fine for me.

Bodhi 10-11-2005 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Cairbre
Don't put the file "eq2ui_buttonpage.xml" in the eXtreme-Folder. Put it in "eXtreme\CustomWindows\ButtonPage", works just fine for me.

Thanks Caibre! That's what I was doing wrong....

Now I have the same thing as Raesoth, though: The Switch button is greyed out (on mouse over says "Switch Charaters Fast and Easy") and Info button works for this (on mouse over says "Quickly Switch Characters" (or something like that)).
Honestly, I'm not really worried about the buttons being wrong, at least until the info button has another use :D

sammeria 10-15-2005 02:27 PM

hmm interesting....

The switch button is grey'd out.. but the info button is what opens the quicklog menu. It works though so im happy. :D

Elmseeker 10-15-2005 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by sammeria
hmm interesting....

The switch button is grey'd out.. but the info button is what opens the quicklog menu. It works though so im happy. :D

Heh, sorry had a problem with my EQ2 billing, got it sorted out today finally and could look and test everything again, you're right, I put up 1.2 which has the butons now marked properly. :)

Raesoth 10-15-2005 10:09 PM

Welcome Back :)

Was wondering if you got permantly invised or that roaming dragon got you :)

Thanks for the update :)

avirnig 10-17-2005 02:09 PM

where is this switch/info/note button on the ui? is it the one that sorta looks like the pwoer button? if so i click it and i get the same old camp window
i cant find the info/notes at all i clicked on every button in the upper left half of the screen too and its not showing up.

avirnig 10-17-2005 02:16 PM

doh :/ i see it now im stupid /foreheadsmak

Elmseeker 10-18-2005 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by avirnig
doh :/ i see it now im stupid /foreheadsmak

:) Not stupid...Blind! :nana: It's ok, it only took me about twice as long as it should have to get the stupid thing looking and working exactly the way it should hehe. And actually I believe there is still a bug in the window itself, I don't think the "Camp to desktop" button on the bottom is working, I may just end up removing it anyway as it's kind of redundant and repetative! :D :D

Raesoth 10-22-2005 12:47 AM

I may be blind .. but I've sure I've looked everything over a few times.. but the switch window for me is still greyed out and the info button that isn't greyed out but should be is the actual switch window ... buttonpage is where it should be.. the experience window is the most current from here and my quicklog is edited for my 10 characters... The only thing I can maybe see is a conflict between the mainhud windows. Anyone else still here or they get things fixed? Between making guildlogo for people and xping I haven't gotten around to this till now. Any suggestions?

Bodhi 11-27-2005 04:55 PM

2.16.3 Compatible???
Hey everyone, I was just wondering if this works with the latest version Landlin has out or not. I loved it before the BIG changes were made, but haven't re-downloaded it since ( I thought I saw somewhere that it would no longer work...). I know I could just download it to find out, but I'd rather not f*%# up anything, now that I've finally got the UI working fairly well again. Has anyone been using it?
Thanks in advance.

Landiin 11-27-2005 07:18 PM

It'll work with the current install.

Laffs 11-27-2005 08:21 PM

Hmm I missed this un lol...

Elmseeker you mind if I hack this up a bit and maybe put it into Laffs Lite?

Yeh yeh of course I will say where it came from lol ;)

lizzapher 12-03-2006 03:04 PM

Wondering if i can?
I was wondering if there is a way to get this quick change to work without the eXtreme interface. I run the night elf 2 ui and the quick change would be awsome!

Bonesplitter 12-18-2006 08:18 AM

Quick Change doesn't work at all!
I downloaded Extreme UI the other day and installed it. After figuring out a few things I seem to have got everything to work except the Quick change is non-existant and the pet window is white. I can deal with the pet window for now but the quick change is one of the features I liked best.

In the setup area there is a quick change tab with bunches of dummy data in all 10 character slots. However, nomatter whether I leave the data or put in my "real" characters, quick change window doesn't appear anywhere. Where is it? How do I open it? Am I blind? I have clicked every button available in the UI but it just isn't there.

Please help me!

70 Zerker on Everfrost

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