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warrior1688 06-02-2005 11:40 PM

Activatable slot
I think it would be helpful expecially during raids to have a mod where u can just open your activatable slot. this way u dont need whole invetory open and can just use your mana stone or whatever from that window.

warrior1688 06-02-2005 11:40 PM

lol nm already a post still would be cool tho

depechenode 06-03-2005 12:35 AM

I have one I made
1 Attachment(s)
I use a mod that I made that allows one activateable slot and the ammo slot to be displayed as a seperate window upon startup.

The activateable slot item can be swapped with any item that may be put in there as if it being done via the inventory window.

Eryndor 06-03-2005 01:32 AM

Could you please link to your ammo & activateable mod depechenode? I couldn't find it.

dc_roenfanz 06-03-2005 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by warrior1688
lol nm already a post still would be cool tho

you CAN drag activatable slot to hotkey slots

Lange 06-03-2005 09:49 AM

As a side-note of this (additional request if someone does make a full and preferably customizable activatable slot mod) -

In EQ1 it was possible to create a UI mod that showed the items in specific locations within specific bags. This allowed you to create a mod that had an activatable inventory slot sitting side-by-side with a bag slot.

The purpose, of course, was for fast gear swapping. This was especially useful for tanks but I imagine a lot of people could use something like this in EQ2 (scouts finding themselves fighting a slashing resistant mob for example).

Is it possible to link to the item in a specific bag slot in EQ2?

Lange 06-03-2005 12:30 PM

OP, it sounds like depechenode has you covered.

I think I will try to tackle the equipment swapping / activatable mini-inventory though if that would interest you too. It's going to be a busy weekend but I've been thinking about making a working mini-inventory with swap capability for a while now.

If anyone with more ability than me wants to tackle this first, it looks like there isn't actually any dynamic data in the bags, themselves. The bag slots appear to be referenced by name as "Slot xx" going from left to right, then down. xx ranges from 0 to 35

Bags appear to be referenced first by the DynamicData "/GameData.Items.Inventory" and then by a name as well using the format "InvSloty". y ranges from 0 to 5

The slots I plan to link to are:
activatable1 and /GameData.Items.Inventory - InvSlot0 - Slot 0
activatable2 and /GameData.Items.Inventory - InvSlot0 - Slot 1
primary and /GameData.Items.Inventory - InvSlot0 - Slot 2
secondary and /GameData.Items.Inventory - InvSlot0 - Slot 3
ear and /GameData.Items.Inventory - InvSlot0 - Slot 4
ring1 and /GameData.Items.Inventory - InvSlot0 - Slot 5
ring2 and /GameData.Items.Inventory - InvSlot0 - Slot 6
ammo - /GameData.Items.Inventory - InvSlot0 - Slot 7

The biggest potential problem will be crashes if InvSlot0 is empty or if the container there has too few slots.

Lange 06-04-2005 11:51 AM

Tried several things. Couldn't get it to work.

Any of the whiz kids wanna take a shot at creating a direct link to a single item within a bag?

Aurien 06-04-2005 07:25 PM

You can drag activatable items to your hot bar and activate them that way. You can also use a macro to activate your equipped item.

Left Slot /use_equipped_item 18
Right Slot /use_equipped_item 19

lollygagger 06-24-2005 08:04 AM

Does anyone have the download for this?
Looking for the .xml for this Mod.

depechenode, did not seem to attatch it.

Anyone out there have the source?


depechenode 08-04-2005 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by lollygagger
Looking for the .xml for this Mod.

depechenode, did not seem to attatch it.

Anyone out there have the source?


Here is my source code: eq2ui_mainhud_inventory.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Page Activated="true" AlwaysOnTop="True" eq2usescomwndcontrols="true" Location="101,638" Name="Inventory" OnHide="visible=true" OnHoverIn="OnHide=&apos; &apos;" PackLocation="left,top" PackLocationProp="0101/0001,0638/0001" ScrollExtent="129,47" Size="129,47" UserMovable="true">
<Page eq2usescomwndcontrols="true" Name="EquipmentPage" PackLocation="fixed,fixed" ScrollExtent="129,46" Size="129,46">
<Icon BackgroundTint="#000000" DynamicData="/GameData.Items.Equipment" IconStyle="/IconStyles.inventory" LocalTooltip="Activateable1" MouseOverColor="#FFFF00" Name="EqSlot18" Opacity="0.000" ScrollExtent="42,42" Size="42,42" Tooltip="Activateable1" TreatAsButton="true"/>
<Image AbsorbsInput="false" Name="Activateable18" ScrollExtent="42,42" Size="42,42" SourceRect="155,198,196,240" SourceResource="images/equip_back.dds" Stretch="false" Style=" "/>
<Icon BackgroundTint="#000000" DynamicData="/GameData.Items.Equipment" IconStyle="/IconStyles.inventory" LocalTooltip="Activateable2" Location="43,0" MouseOverColor="#FFFF00" Name="EqSlot19" Opacity="0.000" ScrollExtent="42,42" Size="42,42" Tooltip="Activateable2" TreatAsButton="true"/>
<Image AbsorbsInput="false" Location="43,0" Name="Activateable19" ScrollExtent="42,42" Size="42,42" SourceRect="155,198,196,240" SourceResource="images/equip_back.dds" Stretch="false" Style=" "/>
<Icon AbsorbsInput="false" BackgroundTint="#000000" DynamicData="/GameData.Items.Equipment" IconStyle="/IconStyles.inventory" LocalTooltip="Ammo" Location="86,0" MouseOverColor="#FFFF00" Name="EqSlot16" Opacity="0.000" ScrollExtent="42,42" Size="42,42" Tooltip="Ammo" TreatAsButton="true"/>
<Image AbsorbsInput="false" Location="86,0" Name="Ammo7" ScrollExtent="42,42" Size="42,42" SourceRect="200,153,242,194" SourceResource="images/equip_back.dds" Stretch="false" Style=" "/>
<Page AbsorbsInput="false" BackgroundOpacity="1.000" Name="WC_Backdrop" PackLocation="top,left" PackLocationProp="0000/0001,0000/0001" RStyleDefault="/FrameStyles.background_gold" ScrollExtent="128,42" Size="128,42"/>

The .xml is saved as eq2ui_mainhud_inventory.xml in my CUSTOM UI folder, and you must add the next line listed to the eq2ui_mainhud.xml file (in the same folder):

This eq2ui_mainhud.xml is in my custom mod directory.
So if you are already using a custom eq2ui_mainhud.mxl, just add that line somewhere before the /page command toward the bottom.

Next, to view the window in game, use the command :

/show_window mainhud.inventory

Now since you "unhid" the window and it is now visable, the settings should save on subsequent logins and you should see the window everytime you relog on. To REHID this window, simply use the command:

/hide_window mainhud.inventory

-OR- you can modify another window in your custom directory to tell this window to display every time you log on, I use my eq2ui_mainhud_player.xml window to do this by adding on show events to display this window.

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