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tonyis3l33t 03-27-2005 02:27 PM

Select Map Plugin
zonx is releasing it.

tonyis3l33t 04-01-2005 04:29 PM

I updated the download above.
if anyone is interested in this i will continue.

Deathbane27 04-01-2005 04:58 PM

I'm very interested in this... it's just that I'll probably be having to update the thing for the Mook skin every time it's changed. :p Don't let that slow you down, though.

Stanley Tweedle 04-01-2005 05:41 PM

hasnt zonx got this embedded in his two fetishui reworks? or something very similiar.

though i think they shrink maps and show them in a mini secondary window, while maintaining your current map where you are.

Zonx 04-01-2005 06:05 PM

This appears to add a list of buttons that, when clicked, change the main map to show the corisponding map and overlays.

I've been thinking about adding a button list or dropdown to MiniMap but haven't gotten to it yet ;)

tonyis3l33t 04-02-2005 03:39 AM

as soon as i learn how to get the dropdown list to work ill port it to dropdown...cant get that or any other space saver to work yet...

GenesisRage 04-02-2005 05:48 AM

it works pretty good so far, i noticed with in-city zones it didnt load up the overlays though

also might be nice when you look at another zone, that the player location would go away... and a button to "close" and return to the zone you were in.

tonyis3l33t 04-02-2005 05:58 AM

well in order to close and return the zone you are in i would have to find out how to have it save the old map settings.

if you look it actually changes where the image points to. Its not an overlay. I think we will have to just have them click the zone they are in to get back to original map. Or zone :)

GenesisRage 04-02-2005 06:01 AM

could there be a way to make it so it was an overlay, and it would change where the overlay points to... then when you click close it makes the overlay invisible?

GenesisRage 04-02-2005 06:33 AM

found out if you change the mapstyle for antonica_0 the map displays all black... its because when you change the map... you havent cleared the area!

also, it seems when you change the map, it doesnt show the default POI's, just the ones from EQ2MAPS

tonyis3l33t 04-02-2005 06:35 AM

yep, not done yet:)

as for the overlay thing, no. If i did this, then you wouldnt be able to see the POI's. Reason is, the Plugins page is on top of everything else. In order for me to put a overlay i would have to put it in my plugin page. This would cause it to be on top of the POI page.

GenesisRage 04-02-2005 06:55 AM

couldnt you just make a page in your plugin for the map, and the poi?

havent looked into the code that much, but would think that could work, its just pulling the poi's from other files anyway

tonyis3l33t 04-02-2005 09:21 AM

no if i made my own POI page id have to update it everytime the website gets updated...which is a lot :)

GenesisRage 04-02-2005 10:35 AM

cant you just have it point to the poi files that eq2map updates?

tonyis3l33t 04-02-2005 11:35 AM

no :) the only way to do it with it layered the way it is is how im doing it, trust me!

Deathbane27 04-02-2005 05:00 PM

You could add your own page of <include>s within the plugin page. That should duplicate all the existing POI info on top of it and it would stay up to date.

Would only need to be updated if a new map was added... unless all the POI <include>s are in their own file, then you could just <include> that. I don't remember. :p

tonyis3l33t 04-02-2005 05:05 PM

iiiiiiinteresting.....didnt think of that, ill check it out!

GenesisRage 04-03-2005 12:07 AM

for such a nice plugin, im suprised its so hard to update maps.
ive started messing with the code (got really bored), but trying to set it up so its easier to add new maps, without editing the main file itself...

just wish there was a way to go <include>eq2maps/folder/*.xml</include> ... that would make it awesome :)

tonyis3l33t 04-04-2005 01:37 AM

updated main post

Zonx 04-05-2005 06:37 AM

Just an FYI, I should be posting a dropdown menu version that shows any map, with icons and overlays, both when full size and when cropped via TM_minimap as soon as I work out a few small bugs.

FetishMiniMap will have a similar set of menus, allowing for 2 different maps to be up at once ;)

Everything is done by manipulating existing Styles, Icons and Overlays, so it should be compatable with future updates and plugins :)

The one little hassle will be keeping the menus up to date when new functioning maps are added. Unless I can work something out with the EQ2MAP team to automatically update the extra menu code, I'll have to periodically add code to insert new maps, icons and overlays into the menu DataSources.

tonyis3l33t 04-05-2005 10:28 AM

cool cool thanks for letting me know, know i can stop fooling around with these damn pages full of buttons, lol

how did you get dropdown to work?

Zonx 04-05-2005 01:07 PM

Actually prety simple. I'll post a "How To" in the developers area soon as I get this mod nailed down ;)

Sure wish I could figure out the fog layer name. Sux having to show the maps under the fog layer so the Icons and POIs show :(

Quib 04-05-2005 01:15 PM

It's the "your are here" arrow that keeps the maps below the fog. Moving the POIs/icons up a few layers has never really been an issue (check out how the freeport slums/qeynos village EQ2MAP POIs are loaded on a layer far above the default icons).

I wish SOE would add the semi-transparent fog layer to about half of the instanced zones so we could have varying POI sets (like the system condemned catacombs and gobblerocks hideout use).

Depending on the structure of whichever "view any map" plugin winds up fully functional (EDIT, not sure what wording to use here, the plugin that ends up being better of the two I guess), we may or may not be able to offer auto-updating support; it'll basically be determined by how reusable the data that needs to be auto-updated is.


Zonx 04-05-2005 01:39 PM

My version is fully functional now, just working out the reset feature after zoning and its done.

Split all the maps into 3 menus, Fprt Area, Qey Area, and Misc. Selecting any map from any menu loads the map, its standard icons and overaly.

Not really expecting auto-update code support but it might be one of those things you consider to cool not to support ;)

Each menu item requires a data object with the following fields:

command (for showing icons and layers)

Mapref (pointer to the map style. In most cases its MapStyles.internalzonename)

Name (for referencing the data object if needed in the future)

text (the menu display text)

There's also two button scripts, RevertIcons and HideIcons, that contain a list of every Icon and Overlay page.

Sadly I discovered the UI doesn't allow multiple includes of the same file, it strips all but the first occurance. Still good to have MapStyles in a seperate file. Easy to just dupe and rename to support other mods ;)

tonyis3l33t 04-05-2005 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Quib
Depending on the structure of whichever "view any map" plugin winds up fully functional (EDIT, not sure what wording to use here, the plugin that ends up being better of the two I guess), we may or may not be able to offer auto-updating support; it'll basically be determined by how reusable the data that needs to be auto-updated is.


zonx figured out what i was tryin to do in the first place...i dont plan on competing at all:)


Originally Posted by Zonx
Sadly I discovered the UI doesn't allow multiple includes of the same file, it strips all but the first occurance. Still good to have MapStyles in a seperate file. Easy to just dupe and rename to support other mods

lol ya i broke the mainhud_map that way.

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