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aalwein 02-25-2005 01:41 PM

TyeJae Steel v2 mod by Aalwein
Continue discussion about the TyeJae Steel v2 mod by Aalwein interface mod here.

The interfaces can be found at these links:

Aalwein's TyeJae Steel v2 .................... Discuss here

Perdtion's TyeJae Steel Bottom ............. Discuss

TyeJae's Steel ................................... Discuss

Kamintar 02-27-2005 03:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
If anyone wants the .ini file for this UI, I have one. The top windows are exactly the same, but the chat windows and hotkey bars are a little different. Here it is! :nana:

Download the .INI file here !

shaqer 02-27-2005 03:37 PM

Location Addition to the Player UI
I was using another Player Mod called playeruicoin4. I liked how it shows your present location on the interface and so I added this to mine. I hope that someone else will be interested in this also.

The name of the file that was changed is: eq2ui_mainhud_player.xml

Here's the change I made. Goto to Line 12 (I don't think the line number matters, so I put it in order of the UI) in the beforementioned file and insert a new line with this text:

<Text Color="#F0D090" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.Location" Font="/Fonts.FontZapf15" LocalText="-0000,-0000,-0000" Location="29,57" Name="Location_indc" ScrollExtent="124,14" Size="124,14" TextAlignment="Center" textalignmentvertica="Center"></Text>

This will add your "present location" right below your Concentration Bubbles.

Thanks for the Mod Aalwein! I love it!

ironmanerz 03-01-2005 09:44 AM

no target window
I love your mod, but i have no target window...the bottom section that told what lvl and health the target had. Does anyone know how to fix this?


Drakhon 03-01-2005 09:47 AM

Press Alt+T once to get target window and twice to get the implied target window too...

ironmanerz 03-01-2005 09:50 AM

thanks, ill try it as soon as i get home

Eelyen 03-02-2005 01:34 PM

Hotbar problem.
I play a guardian and love the UI. But I have a hotbar problem. I use 5 hotbars as I like everything available.

The problem is only 3 can be set for hotkey commands. The primary, secondary, and tet (whatever it's spelled). Anyways I get these setup fine, I have no issue with this. But when I log out and back it it tries to assign one of these roles to the unassigned 2 other hotbars. So I end up having 2 primary bars as the numbers show up on both. But the most recent one becomes the primary so it fubars my routine. So I have to delete htem and recreate them to fix it.

Any ideas?

ger 03-02-2005 02:46 PM

I rarely use the key equivalences for exactly that reason, but when I do I just set my first hotbar to primary, then secondary, then tertiary, then back to primary, then set the next hotbar to secondary, and the third to tertiary. Annoying, but faster than recreating 3 hotbars over and over. :)

Bushwacker 03-04-2005 05:40 AM

I waited for a UI clear design that dont causes me to spent valuable pixel on thick borders or something and I found it in yours. I play a bruiser and a fury and like the UI very much for both classes. Especially the implied target window in a fixed position without any overlayed information is great.

The only problem I encountered so far are the spell bars. Because the problems mentioned above already I need to recreate them from time to time. To be able to move them around there must be at least one free spell icon. So I need to drop one, move the window, open spellbook and finally place the icon again there. It would be great if it could be fixed to operate like the bag windows. Or did I miss something?

Itanius 03-04-2005 07:28 AM

If you go to Window Settings and change the Frame and Title dropdown to show Frame & Titlebar, you should be able to drag the window normally (along the edges of the window, or in the space between icon squares).

Bushwacker 03-04-2005 10:32 AM

@ Itanius
That's what I tried, but I could only change the icon set this way, never got a chance to move the whole bar. But I will try again to be sure.

'Frame and Title' only provideded me the display of the set number plus up and down arrows on the right, no title. The space between the icons is very small, maybe I didn't manage to find that pixel between them.

Maycrof 03-09-2005 07:34 AM

after install your UI a have one problem sometimes i kicked to char select in midle of game... can u help me with this? someone have the same problem? :confused:

Another quest why u dont put server_name_uisenttings.ini in your zip file?

ger 03-09-2005 07:45 AM

A UI mod shouldn't be able to kick you to character select. If it's bugged that badly it'll crash the game shortly after zoning in for the first time (if you even get that far.) With that said, I don't know of any mods that have been released that are that badly bugged, and as far as I know of things were still a bit iffy on some servers in some zones last night due to yesterday's patch. I'd recommend trying again after today's downtime and see if you still encounter the same problem.

Maycrof 03-10-2005 12:20 PM

well still happen...
what i need do for see FPS in game?

MoonglumHMV 03-10-2005 05:27 PM

I have a similar issue, but mine is a litle different and recreateable 100% of the time. I loaded this UI and it works great. I have 2 characters from Dec and 2 from Feb. If I log in as one of the older characters, camp to character select and then select one of the newer ones I crash to desktop 100% of the time. I can switch between the 2 older ones, the 2 newer ones, and from new to old, but from old to new I crash everytime.

Playing around today, I moved off the whole UI folder (including the steel UI subfolder) and all the .ini files in the eq2 folder. Ran the full scan (basically setting the UI back to EQ2 defaults) and I can switch between characters just fine. Only put the steel UI folder back in the EQ2.ini file and the steel UI subfolder, and the same issue started up again.

I just tried this with the "steel bottom" UI and the same issues occurs....I thought it was the UI, but now I think it's something with SOE or my PC...except it happens on both PC's I play on...very confused...!?!?!

MoonglumHMV 03-11-2005 01:32 PM

In case anyone is interested (it may be a known issue...I didn't search for it, got the solution from someone on the EQ2 forums) the fix for the issue I mention above is to craft your characters to level 4 artisan. Both of my 'new' characters mentioned were still level 3.96 (off the newbie island) in artisan...I crafted on dough and problem solved!!!

ironmanerz 03-16-2005 10:26 AM

I've noticed that every time I zone, the UI reverts to some default, and when i fully load everything goes back to normal.

The UI says such things as NAME: "longestnameposs", says that i am a "lvl50 shadownight", have "999999999" amout in every monitary unit...and more stuff just like that. Im assuming that these were put in the UI to test if the location of the text would be correct, but ive nevery had a UI change so much before. Just wonderin if its supposed to do that or if I have something weird here...thanks

Corren Silverfir 03-16-2005 10:31 AM

Sounds like you're using /load ui and there have been numerous posts on the suject. It's broken you must create an eq2.ini file to point to the ui folder.

ironmanerz 03-16-2005 08:38 PM

nope, im using the e2q.ini to load my ui, any other thoughts...possibly some config files that i could get rid of and have eq recreate to fix??

inmate909 03-16-2005 11:16 PM

I have a problem with the tracking window - its not showing the Color Circles and they default to OFF - so its hard to turn them on not knowing if you got them all until its too late and an orange mob runs you over. Is there something causing them to be hidden? The steel overlay perhaps?

Maycrof 03-22-2005 07:25 AM

OMG after yesterday update your UI have many bugs dude in broker windows i cannot enter and type for search, in house window new implementations is black, in e-mail window is all black i need your help plz :confused:

shaqer 03-23-2005 08:37 PM

Same here...just tried to check my mail and the windows were all black.

UmbraNemo 03-24-2005 02:15 AM

for the mail just add these 2 line seen here to your eq2ui_mainhud.xml


aalwein 04-04-2005 10:35 PM

Had some free time and made a quick update to the mod. I'm not playing EQ2 anymore except for the occasional stop in to say hi to old guildies. This version has not been extensively tested but I think is functional with the latest patch.

new version has been submitted for approval so just watch the front page.

Sipher 04-07-2005 08:23 AM

Are you going to be updating for the 4/6 and 4/7 patches Aal? You've made a fantastic UI.

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