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Echo 04-26-2006 01:01 AM

Target Mitigation Value
With zone's like HoF and such with that horrendous mitigation debuff, I would like to be able to visually cue to when a debuff ABSOLUTELY has to be cleared off the tank. I know, I know, everything should be cured, but I would like to find a window or a mod that lets me see when I need to stop casting that big heal and cast a fast cure instead. Anyone that can point me in the right direction would be appreciated.


Dae'lomdel 04-26-2006 03:20 AM

So to clearify, you are looking for a way to keep tabs on your tanks mitigation? Perhaps a mod to the group window that will display each members mitigation?

Anyone know if this is possible?

Landiin 04-26-2006 10:03 AM

That data isn't provided to use, the best you can do is learn the mob you are fighting so you know what effect icon will show when the mob debuffs your tank.

zoriouz 04-26-2006 11:16 PM

it should be, its in the persona window, cant single it out and send it to the group window? or maybe IT window

Landiin 04-26-2006 11:23 PM

oops :P

Nope there isn't any dynamic data that supplies the mitigation for group members or any thing other then your own.

Zonx 04-27-2006 07:52 AM

You'll notice the "Inspect Player" window does not dynamically update as the targeted player changes buffs/gear. That's because all the data suplied to that window is only recieved when the player is first inspected. In other words, the Inspect Window is a snap shot of the player, useless for getting up to the second stats.

It might be possible to cludge something up if there were a slash command for inspecting players, but I don't recall there being one.

It might be possible to cludge something up based on the tooltip info of debuffs in the Target window, but this would require testing every debuff icon for a specific list of tooltip values when they are shown. Possible but could cause exsessive lag.

gm9 04-27-2006 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Zonx
It might be possible to cludge something up if there were a slash command for inspecting players, but I don't recall there being one.


You could probably use an effector upon selecting a player to /inspect_player, copy the localtext values from the inspect window to another window, close the inspect window (probably not necessary) and repeat that every second or so. Cycling all group or even raid members all the time sounds like a performance hit, though.

Magus 04-27-2006 12:38 PM

No, you probably couldn't. EQ2's system is not that advanced. If this were WoW and the inspect window had that info it might be possible, but it isn't :)

The game has no data source that provides "Targets Mitigation" that is available to other windows.

Zonx 04-28-2006 09:35 AM

Actually Magus, you could. What gm9 suggested is exactly what I had in mind. It would be trivial to set an OnShow script to the Inspect Player window that passes the target's mitigation value to some other text element. Think we could even test for mitigation less than some number.

The only tricky part is triggering the inspect. That slash command could be used in a hotkey to trigger it manually.

A cycling effector could also be used to trigger it repeatedly, but this is likely to casue lag and error spam. You probably wouldn't want it to run continuiously, and deffinetly not on every member in the group. Automatically cycling through group members to get all their info would screw with your normal targeting.

Don't think its even possible to automate cycling out of group for an entire raid.

Magus 04-28-2006 12:10 PM


A cycling effector could also be used to trigger it repeatedly, but this is likely to casue lag and error spam. You probably wouldn't want it to run continuiously, and deffinetly not on every member in the group. Automatically cycling through group members to get all their info would screw with your normal targeting.
Still comes down to it not really being possible in EQ2 ;)

Even if you could scan through them, wouldn't the window blink on/off your screen every time you scanned? :)

Dae'lomdel 04-28-2006 01:33 PM

Not sure if it helps Zonx, but:

/inspect_player <name>

This command doesn't change your target or anything, in fact the person doesn't even have to be in the same zone with you. As long as they are logged in you can get the inspect window up...

However, the ammounts of flood commands that would have to be sent to the game is going to be problematic, and could well interfer with the UI users ability to send other commands (IE: cures to get the traumas off the tank) if the game didn't just boot them for detecting a loop or some such.

gm9 04-28-2006 05:41 PM

Dae'lomdel, my experience is that you cannot inspect players in another zone.

Magus, it's still possible, just move the window out of sight. See this example to copy the mitigation of the current value to the text on a button when you press it:


inspect_player Parent.Parent.Target.v0.Name.LocalText
Just hit that button and there you go.

I played around with the inspect window a while ago when I wanted to work around /anon and /role. This, however, seems to be a value that SOE does not allow to be used, at least I didn't find a way to get at it.

Magus 04-28-2006 10:00 PM

OK, so it wouldn't blink, but it wouldn't be live updating, correct? So in the time it takes him to hit the button to update the mitigation, he could've just hit the cure button to remove the debuff? :)

gm9 04-28-2006 11:19 PM

You know that we cannot be liveupdating, since SOE doesn't offer the necessary dynamic data object. It could however be updated as fast as the client can refresh the InspectPlayer window.

On the other hand, I do agree that there's no excuse for a lazy healer. ;)

Dae'lomdel 04-29-2006 12:16 AM

Yeah - I would agree... though something might be possible it doesn't really matter. All effects need to be cured of the tank ASAP, letting dots stick on the tank means the raid isnt going to progress very far. Granted something to monitor the tank the first couple of times through the zone, so perhaps you can learn curing priority would be cool.... but then again MT should have 3 healers up in the group.

Would be nice is SoE added more dynamic data for the raid window though.

Zonx 04-29-2006 02:05 AM

Welll.... actually a good player will know what the best use of their mana/time is for a situation if given all the info.

In tight situations, a healer may need to decide between curing an effect off the tank and say... healing the main DPSer that's about to die. Wanting a way to see player stats does not neccisarily mean the healer is lazy.

At any rate... the standard UI update interval from the server is 2 seconds. So yah a fast cure is probably a better option than checking if one is needed. Unless of course you're conserving power, in which case wasting mana on trival effects is bad.

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