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Morpheusdead 11-25-2005 10:12 PM

All Black border and window frame
Ok if i use just EQ2Map and nothing else it works fine but..

if i use it in conjunction with the complete set I currently use i get the map but not the border and frame it comes up all black I am thinking its because the author or the UI set I am using has in some way changed a source that the new EQ2map calls on I must tell you this was not the case with the old EQ2map of a couple weeks ago so it must be something you guys changed recently.

I have tryed to track this down but have been unable to.. If one of the EQ2map authors could look at this at tell me the exact incompatibility it would be great here is the UI set i use



Landiin 11-26-2005 01:28 AM

Always install eq2map ontop of the custom UI you are using, unless other wise stated by the UI auther. It's also best to do it with a fresh update from one of the autoupdaters.

Morpheusdead 11-26-2005 04:27 AM

man I love it when someone just doesnt have a clue but replies anyway.
Maybe you could reread my post think about and then reply more approprietly eh? I Know how to install UI thank you very much. And even when installing EQ2map on TOP of the UI it does this.
Even when renaming the EQ2.ini and downloading a brandnew set of files using the Auto updater and then copying them over the top of the Custom UI it does this so now that we have gotten this out of the way maybe you could REREAD my original post and help me find out WHY the new VERSION of EQ2MAP is doing this with not just this UI set i am using but a few others as well from what i have been told. \
A cookie cutter system generic response does noone any good man. All it shows is you didnt even try to think about the cause.


Drunador 11-26-2005 04:35 AM

My first thought to your issue is this.
Are you by chance letting EQ2Map updater over write your eq2_mainhud_map.xml file? If you are then I bet there is your problem.
There have been similar issues with other UI's due to this. I have mine set to ask me if I wish to over write the file and I always say no. This way I keep the map window the UI's author made and I seem to have no problems with regards to my map.
While I am not a UI author, I do hope this info helps. If not, hope some one else who does know something about the EQ2Map program can help you.

If I am right though, simply extract that file from your zip of your UI and put it into your UI directory and see what happens. It may solve your issues.


Morpheusdead 11-26-2005 01:03 PM

I have tried both actually but using EQ2maps EQ2_mainhud_map.xml should work but it doesnt. using the one from the author shows the border and the map but not the icons since he made it before they changed everything. Using The xml from EQ2map show the map and icons but not the border and drop down menus and such. I have tried many things nothing works to allow these two mods to work togethor. there is quite obviously some imcompatibility here and i am not sure what. And I dont think that the interface author knows what it is as he has not commented on it. Like you say it is happening with other mods too my intent was to have a EQ2map team member to look at EQ2map AND my interface and find the exact incompatibility so we can spread it around what is goin on. The Interface i use in not the most popular one but it does have over 3k downloads. I am sure people are going to become upset at things not working properly very soon. Where it is not the problem per se of the EQ2map team and is prob a fault of my interfaces author, the problem still surfaces based on recent changes to EQ2map so I am hoping they will help :)


Landiin 11-26-2005 02:33 PM

Ok there does seem to be some issues with the current eq2ui_mainhud_map.xml being pushed with the updaters. I'll get with Dolby and get him a new one. For now use this, its the most current beta we are testing minus the new options that isn't ready yet. Just put this ontop of the one you are using now. Make sure when you run eithere of the updaters don't let it over write eq2ui_mainhud.map.xml.

*edit: Opps that was with the new poi system.. one sec I'll get u a good one*

Morpheusdead 11-26-2005 02:37 PM

Thank you for Looking into this :)

Edit: However it still does the same thing I dont know what is going on but...
Using EQ2map standalone works fine but it just doesnt work with my mod no matter what i do I am sure its a problem on the mod i am using but until someone actually looks at it... and i can assure you I copyed over the files you posted overwriting the one that were there still no go. maybe if you try to dupicate my error..

Landiin 11-26-2005 02:55 PM

Ok gonna down load the mod and take a look

Landiin 11-26-2005 03:15 PM

Ok here is one that works, I just tested it on the one u use, mine and profits.
Same as before don't let the updaters overwrite eq2ui.mainhud.map.xml.

Wulfgyr 11-26-2005 03:46 PM

Just to add my comments here:

I've been scratching my head over this as well. While EQ2Map currently works with my Draco'Kyn UI, I'm also working on a 2nd project. For the second, it's a COMPLETE reskin of the UI, not just individual windows. Since it's a complete reskin, I've modded the following (in addition to selected individual windows):



While the map itself displays, all the borders and window frame's are coming in black. My ui.log file gives the following error:


Encountered data outside of container tags
  :: Bad data at position 1425
  :: Encountered unexpected character '_', expected '='
  :: Failed to load data from resource: eq2ui_mainhud_map.xml

Steps I've tried so far:
1) Deleted eq2ui_mainhud_map.xml, and let the patcher pull down a new one (this morning) - Result: Same error with the borders and frames. Map functionality appears to be ok, except for the drop-downs.

2) Deleted eq2ui_mainhud_map.xml, copied over the one from my Draco'Kyn folder. - Result: Same error as step 1.

3) Deleted the entire eq2map install, re-installed, copied the Draco'Kyn eq2ui_mainhud_map.xml file over. - Result: Same error as step's 1 & 2.

With the error's stated in the ui.log, I can't even get it to load into UIBuilder, wether as an individual piece, or part of the UI. So, I can't verify if the border / frame issue is just a sizing problem with my mod, or if it's something else.

I haven't had a chance to dig too deep into the eq2map folder itself, that'll probably be my next stuff, after I recover from this pumpkin pie induced coma.



Wulfgyr 11-26-2005 03:50 PM

Quick note - with the one you just posted, I can now open it in UI builder, thanks Land!!!


Landiin 11-26-2005 05:30 PM

Yes I was having the same trouble with the other one in the UIBuilder also. I don't know why it was working ok when we put it in the updater path. Just an FYI when the new one goes live the windowframe tree will be in an include so you will be able to change that include with out worrying about the updater overwriting it.

Wulfgyr 11-26-2005 06:32 PM

Ok, originially with that file, I could only get it opened in UI builder by selecting that individual file (still better than nothing).

I can now open it UI Builder as part of the UI... the only thing I think may be causing UI Builder issues, is the use of ' It appears to be corrupting itself within UI builder when it encounters that string.

Perhaps since UI Builder is originally a Verant Interactive product from EQ1 development (found that out while wandering through the registry one day, lol), the "modern" use of ' gives it heartburn, whereas the old school method of ' might work? (Think that's the old syntax, it's been awhile, though)

Still confused, but making slow progress. Time for a beer and some exp. *sigh*


Landiin 11-26-2005 11:38 PM

Na its not the ''s I thought the same thing on somthing I was working on a while back but it passes that ok. I had thought I removed all them though, thanks for pointing them out. They are now removed from the real beta copy now.

Wulfgyr 12-01-2005 09:47 PM

Sorry for the late reply Landiin, I've been super busy with family stuff lately.

No further progress to report as of yet, though I have a few idea's I'm wanting to try... rather than modding the default styles (which I'm coming to realize could cause rather large issues down the road with future LU's), I'm now looking at taking my existing changes, and making them into a completely new set of files, and including them in the mainhud and eq2ui tree's as needed. That way, it'll minimize the code "footprint", and should still allow the EQ2Map to function as intended. Then, once the new version comes out, I can theoretically apply the same method to reskin it.

That make any sense, or am I just tired and rambling again?


Landiin 12-01-2005 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Wulfgyr
Sorry for the late reply Landiin, I've been super busy with family stuff lately.

No further progress to report as of yet, though I have a few idea's I'm wanting to try... rather than modding the default styles (which I'm coming to realize could cause rather large issues down the road with future LU's), I'm now looking at taking my existing changes, and making them into a completely new set of files, and including them in the mainhud and eq2ui tree's as needed. That way, it'll minimize the code "footprint", and should still allow the EQ2Map to function as intended. Then, once the new version comes out, I can theoretically apply the same method to reskin it.

That make any sense, or am I just tired and rambling again?


Yes thats the way to go, I do that with eXtreme and I know Zonx and others do also for the reason you have imagined.

betabry 12-05-2005 06:47 PM

I had this same problem for a while too and I'm not sure why it happened, but I noticed that eq2ui_mainhud_map.xml was no longer on the include list in eq2ui_mainhud.xml

I just added it back in and had the rest of my map window back.

not sure if I did something strange in the builder? or if the updater did something? but hopefully it helps someone figure out why it happened.

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