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-   -   Fixed Group Window for ProfitUI - Please test (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16589)

Praetorian 08-09-2012 01:02 AM

Fixed Group Window for ProfitUI - Please test
1 Attachment(s)
I believe I have fixed the ProfitUI Group Members Window for display in Vertical Mode. Can I please have some people test this out for me to make sure? This is the first actual public fix for me but I thought I would post it anyways.

Please let me know if anything is wierd.


Sharpcharm of Guk

chalupa 08-09-2012 10:40 AM

Seems to be working fine. Thanks!

Liftik 08-10-2012 11:46 AM


Please let me know if anything is wierd.
With ProfitUI or in general? :D 'cause where do I start??

Noviets 08-17-2012 02:15 AM

Nope, the window is still twice as tall as the previous.
If you change it to horizontal then back it works for 1-2 seconds then widens again.

So the 6th group member is actually cut off still. :( :(

Noviets 08-17-2012 03:02 AM

On line 83, changing

<Page BackgroundColor="#00FF00" HLoc="128,0" Location="0,38" Name="GroupMember1" ScrollExtent="219,38" Size="219,38" VLoc="0,38">

<Page BackgroundColor="#00FF00" HLoc="128,0" Location="0,30" Name="GroupMember1" ScrollExtent="219,38" Size="219,38" VLoc="0,30">
Makes group member 2 sit in the perfect spot prior to the break.

It just seems like the other group members do not want to do as they're told when making the same changes. Im guessing its something to do with the content for the original group member that's preventing them from moving up.

Has anyone else had success with this?

tknarr 08-17-2012 10:31 AM

Part of it's the Size attribute. It sets the GroupMemberN element to 38 pixels height, but the Size attributes on the contained elements is set to 44 pixels height. That combined with some of the size-changing hard-coded into the window for the SOEmote portraits seems to cause positioning to go wonky. I had to increase the Size height of GroupMemberN to 44 pixels to match the contained elements before it'd work right. And it's still a little shifty when it first comes up, until some activity triggers the hard-coding and gets everything to settle into place.

Noviets 08-18-2012 09:47 PM

So would changing the contained element size to 38 instead of 44, to match the GroupMemberN size, would that then remove the extra spacing?
I don't even use the portrait stuff, I just want my group window to be spaced the way it was, as now, the 6th person is off the screen, and I cant make it larger because I have my UI setup a certain way, and it wouldn't fit...

It seems there's something missing in the GroupMember0 section with all the others, because it's the only one that moves GroupMember2 up when you change the height of GroupMember2.

Changing the Height of 3,4,5 doesn't move them.. So maybe we could just find the offending lines and remove them?

tknarr, are you willing to help release a fix for this bug? Our entire guild, I'm sure many others, have been having a hard time, having to rely on the raid window exclusively.. :(

tknarr 08-19-2012 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Noviets (Post 100973)
So would changing the contained element size to 38 instead of 44, to match the GroupMemberN size, would that then remove the extra spacing?

It seems there's something missing in the GroupMember0 section with all the others, because it's the only one that moves GroupMember2 up when you change the height of GroupMember2.

I tried the first, and it didn't reduce the size of the elements. It just cut them off at the bottom. As for the second, that's because GroupMember0 doesn't actually exist in the default UI. Profit hacks the same dynamic data in with the same sizes and relative positions as for the others, but if you look at the GroupMember0 code it's radically different from 1-5 which use the standard group member elements from the default UI.

As far as I know the window's currently fixed: no shifting around, no misalignment and no failures of any of the clickable elements. The only change is a few extra pixels of size that I can't find a way to get rid of, and the fact that if you enable the portraits the window as a whole is forcibly resized to accomodate them (this doesn't affect the elements in the window, and it doesn't happen except when you deliberately toggle portraits on or off via the right-click menu). So exactly what bug are you seeing that at this point needs fixing and can be fixed?

Noviets 08-20-2012 01:41 PM

The group window seems to have extra spacing between group members. So each group member is a little further away than it should be from the next member. So the 6th group member is actually cut off, and the space that it was in (Above my raid window) it still the same size as it has been for years, so I know that it's the group window itself (outside of other people in guild having the problem).

The 2 for group member 2, used to be directly below the HP/MP bars

I've had my UI setup like this for many years never unchanged, and it's the same for every guild member using profit (I've also tried deleting it and letting the updater get it again to make sure it wasn't something I broke)

Edit: With the raid window up

PS: I joined a random pug just to get a group for screenies, so ignore the classes and stuff lol

tknarr 08-20-2012 02:29 PM

That's unfortunately not a bug I can fix. The SOEmote changes introduced some padding I can't get rid of. All I could do is adjust the size/positioning of the elements and the size of the window to accomodate the extra padding without having things misaligned. The cut-off is I suspect from you already having a size for the window in your UI settings, you'll need to resize the window to account for the extra space.

Anything beyond that is going to require me to completely rewrite the group window to not use SOE's group-member elements but build my own the same way as had to be done for GroupMember0. With my work schedule I don't have the free time for that amount of work. When I can I'll see if I can clean things up and squeeze out those few extra pixels, but I had no luck with the obvious change (reducing the interior size to 38 pixels, which simply resulted in the bottom being cut off of each group member's elements).

Liftik 08-25-2012 11:53 AM

Since this looks like it will be problematic to fix, what is everyone using in the meantime? The 6th group member is cut off for me too. :(

Zidu 08-25-2012 01:32 PM

Just reporting I have no problems with the group window since the fix. All members in vertical mode show fine and all click to cures work.

Liftik 08-25-2012 01:47 PM

still frustrating
I've tried the various fixes listed, but to no avail.

I tried setting the window to horizontal, then back to verticle, and as Noviets said, it fixes for like 1-2 seconds, then cuts off group member 6 again.

What's the most frustrating is that I hear people all over say they got it working, yet I can't =\

tknarr 08-25-2012 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Liftik (Post 100998)
I tried setting the window to horizontal, then back to verticle, and as Noviets said, it fixes for like 1-2 seconds, then cuts off group member 6 again.

Have you attempted to unlock and resize the window large enough to show all the elements? As has been noted, the individual elements are taller and windows sized for what worked pre-SOEmote will not fit all the post-SOEmote elements. I may eventually be able to fix this, but so far I'm not having much luck (and I'm not completely recoding the window from scratch for anything short of functional breakage that gives me no other choice).

Noviets 08-27-2012 01:57 AM

tknarr; But we would love you forever n ever n ever! <3 <3

Is there a way to just remove the portrait stuff from Groupmembers1+ like it is for groupmember0?

Maybe make the same data field names then gave them no data? I'm not sure how it works exactly, but it seems like there should be an easier way than having to re-write an entire UI window >.<

tknarr 08-27-2012 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Noviets (Post 101009)
Is there a way to just remove the portrait stuff from Groupmembers1+ like it is for groupmember0?

It's already removed. The problem is, as I've said, hard-coded behavior: sizing and size changes applied not by the UI XML but by the game client itself, in this case to account for the extra height the portraits require. As long as a UI uses the standard elements SOE has for the group members, some things about them like their vertical size aren't completely controllable by the UI XML. Most stuff is, and using the standard elements makes it a lot less work to keep up with UI changes, but every now and then you run into weirdness like this. I suspect that's one of the reasons the sizing of the elements was inconsistent in the first place, to work around some weird hard-coded behavior that's since changed (but it didn't break things, so nobody bothered to update the group window element sizes). I keep working on it, but work keeps me overloaded during the week and coordinating with several other people so I can fill out all 6 group slots makes testing more annoying than for most stuff.

Liftik 09-02-2012 02:08 PM

Thank you tknarr!
Thank you for your help and dedication tknarr! My group window is still FUBAR'd. Hope you can get this sorted out soon. Good luck and thanks again!

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