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VampDude 11-09-2004 11:52 PM

Us who still wait.
Yup, if you're readying this one you're probably in the same boat as me. Dying to play it but you're forced to wait cos your local EB, Gamestop or what have you still dont have a solid amount of CE's in stock. Just thought I'd create this topic so we can gripe, complain and let off some frustration to help ease the pain. Sure its just a game. But its THE game, right? My Gamestop had 2 CEs today but they sold them right away. So me and all the other CE pre orderers have to wait until tomorrow to get one. And thats IF they even get a shipment tomorrow. Will you break down and just get a regular version? Or are you too die-hard and will you wait for this very elusive CE?

Raesoth 11-10-2004 12:36 AM


ok .. grr grumble


Dis-advantage of living rural Canada is that it takes forever to get things. I had to cancle my preorder thru sony as I'd be paying arm leg and other arm to get it here ... 89us + 30us shipping add 40% brokerage and custom fees and well you get the picture.

Now I'm not far from a major city but I work weekdays and I don't have a car to get to the city else I'd be playing by now. So have to wait for UPS to deliver copy from closest Futureshop (like bestbuy and fries) but Canadian. They had over 60 copies available as a preorder for the CE tins but not sure on shipdate .. friend is getting regular dvd in theory on the 10th and I remember seeing something about mine being on the 11th and yes up here in Canada Rememerance Day ( Veteren's day down there) isn't a true stat so couriers and I work on that day .. sucks for me but maybe ya for me too ...

I hope tonight/morning a email will come saying its been shipped and I'll have it next day ... oh please oh please .. but I still think thurs .. if not I play GTA in RL on Sunday and hijack car to city and come home and play till they come get me :)

Man I don't wanna wait that long .. I see some servers already have chars with the name I want to use .. so far my servers I want to play don't but who know whats its gonna be like in 2-3 or 5 days from now .

SOE blew this one big time ... last time I pre order anything from them again .. next time if there will be a next time for SOE from me I'll take day off on release and go pick it up

Waiting sucks and I can't even post on the official boards where I was beta tester .. GD SOE

Well thats my rant for a bit :)

VampDude 11-10-2004 12:40 AM

Right on, I'd say that was a good healthy rant. Yea dude actually Im from Canada too. I live in central California now but Im originally from the Toronto area. Yea it was a pain to get games up there too man, but hang in there. Im having problems and I live in sunny CA. Anyways good luck.

Arkanok 11-10-2004 12:43 AM

Yea im in the same boat..
Yesterday, i couldnt get the game and i knew that. To kill some time i decided to download the WoW Open beta but no, i couldnt do that either. They wouldnt accept any more entries at that time. So my only way to kill time was to wait a few hours till midnight, and go pickup Halo 2 (good game on live). But i figured i'd be able to play EQ2 today (nov09) but no, damn eb games. I had the Collectors Edition on reserve, and payed off completely but they didnt recieve the collectors edition today either!
So me and you are in the same boat Kaori.

Just cross your fingers that it'll be in the store by tomorrow.

Raesoth 11-10-2004 01:22 AM

I have little patience with these things .. grrr

And now my Seti@home stats are broke GAh ... oh why hate me world !! Go pick on someone else for a change ... like say the bigwigs in SoE for this mess :p

PS: oh Sir Taleisin The Seer .. Any clues oh master on why I have no stats showing .. I'm using same template as you ...

Novawulf 11-10-2004 01:46 AM

Bah .. Why did I ever switch names between the 2 sites :confused: .. Raesoth = me .. now guess I should update my sig on this site .. I'll have to wait to get updated screenshots now :rolleyes:

Joanaho 11-10-2004 06:39 AM

Us who still wait.
I will wait. This way, the bottleneck on the patch servers will be less, all the idiots will settle down, and more servers will be brought up. Actually to me, the delay is a blessing in disguise.

Mitra 11-10-2004 08:54 AM

I can't belive i got it yet either, been like 2 months as I ordet it, and yet a RL friend of mine got his game on 6th 2 days before shipping OMG hehe.

Dave_253 11-10-2004 09:21 AM

Still waiting.....
I thought the point of pre-ordering from at least sony was so I could have the game a couple days sooner than the other people. If I would have known that sony would cause all this then I would've camped out at EB. One other thing How in the world is customs holding up Sony's shipment of the CE and not the ones for gamestop/EB??????? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Vampiro 11-10-2004 10:49 AM

Maybe you guys that do not have the game yet can be spared the incredible lag going on right now.

They have opened up about 4 new servers already to handle the traffic.

If its any consolation. By the way I pre-ordered from BestBuy and ended up buying from gamestop losing $10.00 in the process. I also lost my Jboots because I ended up deleting my toon from Crushbone because the lag was unplayable.

Oh and believe me its lag and not my system, I have a High end Dell gamers machine.

Cantino 11-10-2004 11:35 AM

I'm still waiting for my regular copy. =( I suppose that's what I get for opting on 2day air and saving a few bucks. Shoulda gone all out...

Averad 11-10-2004 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Vampiro
Maybe you guys that do not have the game yet can be spared the incredible lag going on right now.

They have opened up about 4 new servers already to handle the traffic.

If its any consolation. By the way I pre-ordered from BestBuy and ended up buying from gamestop losing $10.00 in the process. I also lost my Jboots because I ended up deleting my toon from Crushbone because the lag was unplayable.

Oh and believe me its lag and not my system, I have a High end Dell gamers machine.

MM was locked last night because the lag got so bad. It was soon unlocked and I didnt have any problems for the rest of the night.

Dyse 11-10-2004 01:09 PM

Monday: I was outraged that People in the UK got it...and I didn't

Tuesday: I was dismayed that SoE (CE PreOrder) and BestBuy (PreOrder non-specific) hasn't even shipped. Entered Open Beta of WoW

Today: Relaxed. 70% done with Peer-to-Peer Open Beta WoW download (1.7gb out of 2.5gb) and will sooth me until EQ2 arrives.
WoW is NOT what I want to play. But Since GuildWars (Which I couldn't enjoy it because of no Reverse Mouse look option) was only 3 day taste. WoW OpenBeta (which I got accepted by the hairs on my chin) promises to be a good alternative and keep me from just refreshing my SoE Store shipping updates (Still in Fulfillment).

I guess I sold my CoH (Mid 30's across) account a bit too soon on ebay. That game I'll actually miss. It may have been repetitive, but FUN.
I wanted sooo bad for SoE to say, "Here's your Key and a place to download the EQLoader" but 6+ GB would take for EVER to Download.

Feebb 11-10-2004 03:55 PM

Well, my waiting is about over. I ordered a DVD normal copy from Amazon and had it overnighted. Problem is, if I want to start playing now I will have to burn 2 account keys to get the in-game goodies that come with my CE, which Sony won't be shipping til like Friday.

Jerund 11-10-2004 04:18 PM

I was in a similar dilema Monday and yesterday. The EB that I had preodered the normal DVD edition from, didn't get any in. And by the time I got there wouldn't let me switch to a normal CD version. So I had to wait till Tue at noon or so to get it, at least thats what they said. So I call em on Tue and they say they hadn't gotten the shipment yet, to call back in a bit. So I wait a bit call em back, now they might not be getting a shipment, and the manager is running around trying to "scrounge" some up and he would call me when he found out how many he would have in 20 minutes. I waited an hour and 20 minutes. I then called Best Buy, and they had a ton of normal DVD versions, so I went there and bought one, EB can go jump in the lake for all I care I don't think I'll ever shop there again.

Esperant 11-10-2004 04:33 PM

Hey guess what guys?

When they say count to 10 to cool your head when you're angry... like at SOE for delivering days late for you (my case)... GUESS WHAT...

it does'nt work.

Novawulf 11-10-2004 08:43 PM

Think me foolish but I was hoping to get on within a few days so I can get a certain name that by the time I'm playing which looks more like tommorow my name that I want will be gone. Yes its a name but its a name that I like and is fairly popular on these type of games. I loose my name which looks like will happen I'm going to be extremely P.O.

But a name that one likes I feel helps enchances the game and gets me in the mood to roleplay .. but if I'm playing a char with a name I don't really enjoy but its only thing I can think of makes me want to play less and less and I'll go find a game where I can play a char with the name I want.

SO much for the reserve name quests and crap SOE promised many months ago when EQ2 first came out .. at least they've kepted the cross game chats tho it seems broke atm, and a screwed up pre-order system... Unlike Half-life 2 where you can have the game on your system but can't play until you get a signal from the server or some unlock feature. Now thats a pre-order and the way Pre-orders should be done ... SOE has a lot to learn about customer service .. I don't think its even in their vocabulary.

The longer I have to wait the more ranting I'm gonna do :) Oh if only I had access to the EQ2 forums...

TrueSanity 11-10-2004 11:51 PM

I broke down and bought the DVD version from Gamestop. I really wanted the CE version, even preordered from BestBuy (Ha! what a joke...), but I just couldn't wait any longer to play the game and no spare CE's were to be had. :cool:

Novawulf 11-11-2004 02:05 AM

I must like this forum

For Futureshop customers in Canada even though the CE is listed as the 9th release its not actually going to be released till the 23rd !!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Bleh oh Soe screwed the big one here :mad: :mad: :mad:

Well I just hope like hell it comes into my town tommorow for the regular edition even tho I'll pay more I gotta have it ..


Let ya know tommorow ... guess if I got to bed early morning should come faster :D

Dave_253 11-11-2004 11:58 AM

Soe is trying to keep people happy by giving them an extra week of free play. Which is nice of them I just wish I could get my CE edition overnighted even though I selected 2nd day air. That would be cool of them seeing as its already a week late.


Averad 11-11-2004 12:45 PM

Soe is trying to keep people happy by giving them an extra week of free play

Were did you see that? Is it for all players? LINK LINK :)

Dave_253 11-11-2004 01:16 PM

No just for the people who's collectors editions got held up at customs...and still havent even shipped.

VampDude 11-11-2004 08:21 PM

Hey guys, thanks for all your posts. I totally feel all of your pain. Yesterday I just broke down and bought the regular DVD edition, the hell with CE. Went to Fry's today to see if they had the guide and it turns out they had 35 copies of the CE in, since Monday. So I guess i know where i'll reserve my games in the future. In any case, the regular DVD version is good enough for me. Fug CE.


mystio 11-11-2004 10:50 PM

It's real nice that SOE is giving the Station customers 7 more days, but what about the rest of us? I pre-order, pay $40 more and don't have it the day it goes live? Looks like I won't get it til next week. Meanwhile all my friends who bought the regular one are playing. (Sigh) I can't even play anything else, just sit in the recliner and watch magic picture box and dream of wide open areas and beautiful graphics. It's going to be a LOOooooong weekend.

Mitra 11-12-2004 04:11 AM

Thanks for pre ordering i say, i just so that SOE sendt my CD version 11 nov. I live in Norway and they had the game in store for 2 days now, i cant belive this is what i get for pre ordering, im paying 40$ for ekspress shipping OMG!

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