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Zonx 10-12-2007 09:55 AM

Florida you are correct, I neglected to update the Top and Bottom versions of the Journal_Active files.

The Top file is simply a backup of the default file, there isn't supposed to be any difference so you can just trash the out of date Top file and replace it with a copy of the default version. This version is laid out for placement at the top of the screen so the control strip is at the bottom of the window.

The Bottom version is laid out for placement at the bottom of the screen, so it has the control strip at the top of the window. It is also very out of date and may not have the clickSearch feature. I'll update it for the next release.

The Simple version has none of the extra controls, but is reskinned.

greyhare 10-13-2007 02:06 PM

Ok I followed the edit listed in the other thread to fix my volume but it is still resetting itself. Are there any other suggestions?

lordebon 10-13-2007 05:31 PM

If you don't use the functionality, just delete the start button UI file.

gm9 10-13-2007 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by greyhare (Post 63822)
Ok I followed the edit listed in the other thread to fix my volume but it is still resetting itself. Are there any other suggestions?

Did you try removing the value="..." from the xml as I said in the other thread? I know that works because that's how I have always coded it in ProfitUI.

greyhare 10-13-2007 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 63834)
Did you try removing the value="..." from the xml as I said in the other thread? I know that works because that's how I have always coded it in ProfitUI.

The thread I was refering to did not say to remove it, just to change the value. I will try removing it to see if it helps.

greyhare 10-13-2007 06:33 PM

No joy, removing the VolMaster="20" still did nothing. I cannot get the game to set the volume above 40% and leave it there.

Shohanna 10-14-2007 10:47 AM

Exception Error handle
Every time I log out, I am getting an exception error, it doesn't give me a number, just an "ok" box.

Not sure what information you need in order to fix it. So I will keep my post small. Email me if you need more info.

I wanted to ask as well, if you had addressed the size of the pull out bag bar. It seems to be too small to show all the bags, and cuts them off at the bottom and at the right. I am a complete newb at editing and changing any xml files. I wouldn't know where to begin. So I thought I would also mention it. I would also like to see if we can get the pull out bag bar to STAY pulled out. It always defaults to "in" instead of "out" and I remember you posting something about changing the default option. But I have looked through the FAQ and I can't find it. (must be really tired) cause I know I remember reading it somewhere and now I am at a loss as to where that was exactly.

Thanks for your patience and I am really apprieciative of your efforts to continually update this UI. As it is my one and only favorite.

gm9 10-14-2007 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by greyhare (Post 63836)
The thread I was refering to did not say to remove it, just to change the value. I will try removing it to see if it helps.

I meant this thread not far below yours, and I was referring to the Value="XX" of the <sliderbar> objects.

therealmosha 10-15-2007 11:29 AM

is it possible to change the way clickcure & clickies@raidwindow take the targetnames?

reason/problem is, that names which contain german umlauts as äöü are transformed into boxes and you get the error that /useabilityontarget <name with boxes> wont work, coz target not found

im not completely sure but as fas i know eq2 uses utf8 to some extend..

what i tried and what didnt change a thing:

i changed
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
to <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

but (kinda as expected) that didnt change nything. maybe youve got some ideas out there :)

FloridaFringe 10-20-2007 05:11 PM

Hello Zonx and Thank you again for all of your hard work and effort. This isn't a bug report but rather a basic inquiry about the current version. After reading the update notes I was curious if the following files were addressed or needed to even be addressed:


I noticed that there were some intensive changes made to these files in GU39 but wasn't sure if the windows really needed to be updated or not. I haven't downloaded the latest version yet so I haven't checked for myself but any insight would be highly appreciated.

Lastly, they ended up removing the include for the eq2ui_inventory_store.xml file from the eq2ui_inventory.xml so I was wondering if this actually does anything anylonger or if it would be safe to delete that file from my directory.

Thanks again for everything.

gm9 10-20-2007 09:51 PM

The store file has not been in use in ages, the last time it was used was when we still had to sell from the house vault. I have removed it ever since.

FloridaFringe 10-20-2007 10:58 PM

That's what I thought but I never paid much attention to the file being in my custom directory until I looked over the recent xml changes and saw it finally removed. Thanks for the verification.

FloridaFringe 10-21-2007 07:32 PM

Nevermind, I was able to answer my own questions once I found the time to take a look at the latest release.

The only thing that I found would be that the Inspect Player hasn't been updated to include the Appearance Slots or with the most recent changes from GU39. No big deal really.

Also, I noticed something else while poking around. Anything new in the works or just something else that I have no clue about?

Thanks again for everything.

Zonx 10-22-2007 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by FloridaFringe (Post 64389)
The only thing that I found would be that the Inspect Player hasn't been updated to include the Appearance Slots or with the most recent changes from GU39. No big deal really.

Hrmm... guess I missed the added slots, I'll have to toss those in with the next release.

Originally Posted by FloridaFringe (Post 64389)
Also, I noticed something else while poking around. Anything new in the works or just something else that I have no clue about?

Not sure what you're refering to but ROK is scheduled for release next month and I am doing beta. Of course I can't talk about that ;)

Eshaac 10-22-2007 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by greyhare (Post 63822)
Ok I followed the edit listed in the other thread to fix my volume but it is still resetting itself. Are there any other suggestions?

Here is what I do to get me volume ta stay where I put it.

Open/edit your eq2ui_mainhub_startbutton.xml

at the top line 2 should look like this

<Page Activated="true" alwaysonbottom="false" eq2usescomwndcontrols="true" Location="698,0" MaximumSize="1024,1024" Name="StartButton" PackLocation="left,top" PackLocationProp="0698/0001,0000/0001" savessettings="true" ScrollExtent="36,82" Size="36,82" UserMovable="true" VolCombat="10" VolMaster="20" VolMusic="10">

note: volmaster="20"

now go to bottom of the file ..

for me it starts at line 48

<Button LocalText="Reset Volume" Location="3,81" Name="ResetVol" OnPress="parent.MasterVolume.Slider.Value=parent.VolMaster
" ScrollExtent="91,24" Size="91,24" Style="/Fetish.ButtonStyles.text_button">Reset Volume</Button>
<Page LocalTooltip="Master Volume Control" Location="34,2" Name="MasterVolume" ScrollExtent="60,26" Size="60,26" Tooltip="Master Volume Control">
<Sliderbar Location="1,11" Name="Slider" OnChange="
" ScrollExtent="60,13" Size="60,13" Style="/Fetish.SliderbarStyles.horz_sliderbar" UpperLimit="20" Value="20"/>
<Text AbsorbsInput="false" Font="/Fetish.Fonts.FontArial14T" LocalText="Master" Location="2,0" Name="Label" ScrollExtent="40,16" Size="40,16" TextColor="#88CCFF">Master</Text>
<Text AbsorbsInput="false" Font="/Fetish.Fonts.FontArial14T" LocalText="1.000" Location="43,0" Name="Val" ScrollExtent="18,22" Size="18,16" TextColor="#88CCFF">1.000</Text>
<Page LocalTooltip="Ambient Music Volume Control" Location="34,27" Name="MusicVolume" ScrollExtent="60,26" Size="60,26" Tooltip="Ambient Music Volume Control">
<Sliderbar Location="1,11" Name="Slider" OnChange="
" ScrollExtent="60,13" Size="60,13" Style="/Fetish.SliderbarStyles.horz_sliderbar" UpperLimit="20" Value="10"/>
<Text AbsorbsInput="false" Font="/Fetish.Fonts.FontArial14T" LocalText="Music" Location="2,0" Name="Label" ScrollExtent="40,16" Size="40,16" TextColor="#88CCFF">Music</Text>
<Text AbsorbsInput="false" Font="/Fetish.Fonts.FontArial14T" LocalText="0.500" Location="43,0" Name="Val" ScrollExtent="18,22" Size="18,16" TextColor="#88CCFF">0.500</Text>
<Page LocalTooltip="Combat Music Volume Control" Location="34,54" Name="CombatVolume" ScrollExtent="60,26" Size="60,26" Tooltip="Combat Music Volume Control">
<Sliderbar Location="1,11" Name="Slider" OnChange="
" ScrollExtent="60,13" Size="60,13" Style="/Fetish.SliderbarStyles.horz_sliderbar" UpperLimit="20" Value="10"/>
<Text AbsorbsInput="false" Font="/Fetish.Fonts.FontArial14T" LocalText="Combat" Location="2,0" Name="Label" ScrollExtent="40,16" Size="40,16" TextColor="#88CCFF">Combat</Text>
<Text AbsorbsInput="false" Font="/Fetish.Fonts.FontArial14T" LocalText="0.500" Location="43,0" Name="Val" ScrollExtent="18,22" Size="18,16" TextColor="#88CCFF">0.500</Text>

Done. Now I have control and volume is set to where " I " want it.

note; I notice on the latest version "9.2" the "value="#" is missing/has been removed. If you can not find it, place it after the "upperlimit="#" entry. and you should be set.

bdezzutti 10-24-2007 08:16 AM

Can't move hotbars
Hi, I've been a logtime user and an active supporter of Fetish Nightfall. Love the interface, and this is actually the first time I've ever had an issue.

I'm not sure if it's on the EQ client side or with Fetish, but I can't get my hotbar windows to move. I can resize them, expand or contract them, but I can't pick them up and move them. They are not locked.

I haven't seen a fix for this posted, but if I missed it, I apolagize in advance.



lordebon 10-24-2007 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by bdezzutti (Post 64591)
Hi, I've been a logtime user and an active supporter of Fetish Nightfall. Love the interface, and this is actually the first time I've ever had an issue.

I'm not sure if it's on the EQ client side or with Fetish, but I can't get my hotbar windows to move. I can resize them, expand or contract them, but I can't pick them up and move them. They are not locked.

I haven't seen a fix for this posted, but if I missed it, I apolagize in advance.



It's a problem with the hotbars in general, unfortunately. If you show the spinner, you should be able to use that as a spot to move it.

bdezzutti 10-24-2007 10:15 AM

Thanks for your help Ebon
Thanks for the help, I never use the spinners, so I'd have never figured that out.

NunoGuerreiro 10-24-2007 12:40 PM

Detrimental Spell Effects

I wanted to know if theres a Detrimental Spell Effects window in this UI. Everytime i zone in a message appears and its starting to annoying me.

Thank you

Zonx 10-24-2007 07:37 PM

Detrimental FX window is in the 9.2 release.

Ashlian 10-30-2007 09:01 PM

Click Cures
I'm not sure what we might have done or installed differently, but a friend and I are missing our click cures bar since installing 9.2 and we miss it desperately. We installed Lordebon's usabilityonplayer patch separately in the hopes that that would bring it back, but no go. Any ideas? We installed the entire download as we have previous new versions of the ui. We're both using Fetish Command Center, but no other mods.

I would love to have my click cure bar back, while I can use the group bar, I prefer the convenience of having the click cure bar down near my hotbars.

Zonx 10-31-2007 12:26 AM

ClickCures was originally built before the useabilityonplayer command was available and before SOE made class single target cures consistently named. At the time, the popup window was also useful for out of group curing during raids.

9.2 implements useabilityonplayer for ClickCures in the Group Window. With similar functionality also in the raid window, the popup window is essentially obsolete and has been removed.

lordebon 10-31-2007 08:29 AM

If you do want to continue using it though, just download an older version of Fetish Nightfall (they're all listed in the archive section of the main FN download page) and copy the cures window from there to your current install, making sure to <include> it in the relevant eq2ui_(something).xml file.

Ashlian 11-01-2007 08:04 PM

I spent a while looking for what EQ2ui_something_xml file you might be talking about, Lord Ebon, but I'll be perfectly honest and say that while I know enough to copy a file here and follow nice explicit directions on changing things, I can't read the xml code myself unless something is completely obvious and leaps out at me, like the cures file being named CURES. I have no idea what got deleted, as I compared the old 9.1 list to the new 9.2 list and they're sadly the same. The EQ2ui group member window code is very different due to the usability being added, but I am a) not sure if that's the window that you were talking 'bout, and b) totally unwilling to screw around with it unless I were to just get rid of the new and revert to the old, which I might end up doing. Because I do miss my damn click cure bar just that much.

My friend and I wished to lobby for an optional return of it since it's still on the EQ2 button menu because it isn't obsolete to those of us who run in high enough resolution to make clicking on the tiny group window icons extremely annoying in group situations, and who also placed our hotbars far far from our group window and liked the convenience of the cure bar down near the hotbars. Much easier to fkey select group members and hit the cure bar than to try to hit those damn tiny icons then mouse back to my hotbars quickly. I admire the beautiful coding, and space saving impulse, and I keep my hotbars at size 29 icons, but the effect icons are too small even for me.

Given that, we can't live without Fetish, we tell everyone about it, and this is a very minor complaint overall! Thanks for putting out such a wonderful interface for so long, Zonx :)

Zonx 11-02-2007 01:58 AM

Lol, I completely forgot I'd hooked the ClickCures window into both the Start Menu and the Persona window. Given that those access controls are still present, it'll be trivial for me to restore the dedicated bar in the next release ;)

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